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Provide data protection as a service by integrating Cloutility with IBM Spectrum Protect Plus

By INGRIDA CAZERS posted Tue December 17, 2019 11:12 PM

Starting in December 2019, the Auwau Cloutility software platform can be integrated with both IBM Spectrum Protect and IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to provide data protection as a service. You can protect the data in your own enterprise and provide data protection to enterprises around the world. Cloutility can transform your IT infrastructure into a utility-based consumption model, which automates the business processes used for data protection from A to Z, including everything from system setup to automatic billing.

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Cloutility (formerly Frontsafe Cloud Portal) has supported integration with IBM Spectrum Protect for years, and many customers have successfully deployed this solution. Now that Cloutility can be integrated with IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, you can assign hypervisors and individual virtual machines that are protected by IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to tenants (customers). Data from different tenants is maintained in separate, secure environments. At a higher level, the storage environment consists of a centralized infrastructure that can include both IBM Spectrum Protect and IBM Spectrum Protect Plus. Cloutility provides the "single pane of glass" across this storage environment:

Cloutility GUI

You can provide data protection services to one, 10, or 50 customers by leveraging the following features:

  • Plug-and-play functionality. Because Cloutility is built on top of IBM Spectrum Protect and IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, integration is seamless. Cloutility serves as a business extension that manages data protection across private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud services. You can build a multitenant environment that includes multiple resellers, each having multiple customers, each with specified regions, departments, and business units:

  • Multitenancy chart with companies, regions, and departments

  • Self-service administration. System administrators can log in to the Cloutility portal to administer their data protection environments. For example, an administrator for Customer A can define regions, departments, and business units for that customer, and assign roles to users.

  • Backup reports. Don't waste time setting up a reporting system. With Cloutility, predefined reports are available to monitor data backup operations, as well as usage over time. The reports are customizable and can be viewed via email or in the Cloutility user interface:

  • Reports displayed in the GUI

  • Automated billing. Cloutility includes a subscription-based system that enables you to automate billing processes. For example, you can automatically generate invoices and deliver them via email. System administrators can view the cost of data protection for regions, departments, and business units, and adjust settings as needed to meet business goals.

For more information about the integration of Cloutility with IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, see the Auwau website. For more information about the integration of Cloutility with IBM Spectrum Protect, see the IBM Global Solutions Directory.

As noted by Auwau Chief Executive Officer Thomas Bak, "IBM Spectrum Protect is one of the world’s most powerful technologies for protecting business-critical data." By integrating IBM Spectrum Protect technologies with Cloutility, you can provide powerful data protection to customers around the world.

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