High Performance Computing

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Welcome to the IBM High Performance Computing Group

Connect with HPC subject matter experts and discuss how hybrid cloud HPC Solutions from IBM meet today's business needs. IBM offers a complete portfolio of integrated high-performance computing solutions which give you the flexibility to manage compute-intensive workloads on premises and/or in the cloud. This platform also gives you an opportunity to share ideas, best practices and lessons learned with other HPC,  LSF and Symphony users.

As a member of this online user community, you gain:

  • Direct engagement with IBM subject matter experts
  • Insights from your industry peers
  • News, announcements, and enhancement details
  • You’ll also get information regarding our regional and virtual user group meetings, upcoming webinars and blogs.

We invite you to actively participate and reach out to support@communitysite.ibm.com with any questions.

We look forward to your participation in this group.

For more information about HPC, visit our web page: https://www.ibm.com/high-performance-computing 

#TechXchange Conference Lab
#TechXchange Conference Lab

Latest Discussions

  • Please refer to the structure "struct gpuJobData" in lsbatch.h. This string is generated from gpuJobData but add some more information. ------------------------------ Ji Shan Xing ------------------------------

  • Hi, is there some documentation, or even better, an API call, to decode the GPU_ALLOC_COMPAT string in the lsb.acct file? We have our own internal version of 'bacct', that provides e.g. JSON output, we can feed into our internal accounting/billing ...

  • ...and btw CentOS 7.9 has reached its end of life two days ago and should not be used any more ;-)

Latest Blogs

  • We are thrilled to share that user group members can now get a discounted badge for TechXchange 2024 after the original May 31st deadline with our unique registration link . Reserve your spot in Vegas, for a half-day extravaganza on October 21st, where ...

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    LSF and OpenAPI

    In this concluding blog of the series, ( part 1 , part 2 ) I’ll discuss the Open API Specification for the new LSF Web Service, and how to generate language specific bindings from it, such as Python. It’s just an API… LSF is written in C, and no ...

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  • In the inaugural blog of this series , I explored the driving factors for this new service and the installation process. This second blog will delve into its usage, and the third and concluding blog will examine the OpenAPI specification of the service. ...

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  • Mark Twain once said " There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope ". Web services are hardly a new idea. Nearly two decades have passed since the Global ...

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  • It can be extremely frustrating for the end-users of LSF to see their jobs pending for long periods of time. Jobs with large resource requirements, or special topology requirements are especially susceptible to long pend times. In this blog, I discuss ...

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