Is there a content review process?
The community does not provide a review process. We strongly recommend that you have at least one colleague review your blog for accuracy, clarity, and relevancy before you enter it into the Community platform. Even the very best writers can benefit from peer review!
How do I share my blog on social media!
Sharing your blog with your social networks, especially LinkedIn, increases traffic to your blog and can also help to bolster your reputation as a subject matter expert.
Once published, select the “share” link found at the top left of your post to share your blog on LinkedIn. You must include an image to render on social media!
How can I promote my blog post on the home page of my community?
Create a discussion post pointing to your blog link. This will be shared with all members that opt-in to receive alerts from the IBM Community. Here are the steps:
Create a Discussion Thread About Your Blog:
o From the Topic Group homepage, select the ‘Discussions’ tab.
o Click the black ‘Post New Message’ button.
o Enter the Discussion Subject.
o Enter you content.
o Select ‘Post’.
Can I copy a Microsoft Word file directly into the blog interface?
You can paste content from a Microsoft Word file into the blog platform, or type your content into the platform directly. If you're pasting from Microsoft Word, you may experience problems with images or videos, in which case you should follow the instructions below. You may also need to modify some of the formatting after incorporating it into the blogging window.
How do I upload images and video files?
The blogging interface has buttons to allow you to either upload or point to image or video files. Just click the button and enter the appropriate information in the pop-up window. We've created a video showing you some tips and tricks:
Does the community track metrics on how often a blog post is read?
Yes! Blog posts track page views, comments, and number of recommendations on the blog post itself.
How else can I help ensure my blog gets as many views as possible?
Sharing your blog on social media is crucial, but you can also follow several blog-writing best practices that help. Identify a keyword or key phrase and then use it in your blog title, blog URL, and at least two times in the body of the text. To decide on the right keyword, think about the core topic of your blog and follow these helpful tips:
• Think backwards: If you were a member of your target audience turning to the internet for more information on your topic, what phrase would you type into the search bar to find it?
• Keep it natural: You want your keyword to flow naturally in your title and content body, so avoid keywords that are a string of nouns.
• Use a "long-tail" keyword: Keywords with three or more words are perform better in organic searches. For instance, your blog performs better in searches if you optimize your text for the term “how to use QRadar user behavior analytics,” rather than just “QRadar” or even “user behavior analytics.”