Decision Management (ODM, ADS)

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  • Direct engagement with IBM subject matter experts
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This topic group is a place to discuss best practices, discuss how you are using Operational Decision Manager (ODM), Decision Composer, or other precursor products, and as a place to post questions and get answers about decisions and business rules.

***If you are new to Business Automation, start HERE.***

Latest Discussions

  • With the provided interim fix IF009 everything works fine. Thank you! ------------------------------ Stephanie Heßler ------------------------------

  • Michael's example showcases the issue we currently have. Not being able to use local variables is a pain. Plus there really would be a lot of occurences we would have to update. Can you recreate the problem? ------------------------------ Stephanie ...

  • Many thanks Laurent, I will take a look. ------------------------------ Eduardo Izquierdo Lázaro Automation Architect DECIDE Madrid 609893677 ------------------------------

Latest Blogs

  • This article introduces a tutorial that demonstrates how to deploy an IBM® Operational Decision Manager (ODM) clustered topology thanks to the container-native load balancer of GKE . The ODM services are exposed using the Ingress provided by the ODM ...

  • This project demonstrates how to deploy an IBM® Operational Decision Manager (ODM) clustered topology on the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cloud service. AKS allows you to quickly deploy a production ready Kubernetes cluster in Azure. This deployment ...

  • Azure Active Directory is a secure identity cloud that links all your apps, logins and devices into a unified digital fabric. Microsofty Azure sells centralized services, including a single sign-on service that allows users to log into a variety of systems. ...

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