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  • Indika: I do not believe that you can do that from any Classic 4GL code, not directly anyway. (It would be possible to create a "C" callable wrapper that called out to a JRE.) If you need that capability, all three of the 4GL superset languages, Querix ...

  • For General Information... I have not yet verified this (have to wait for next maintenance window), but I'm confident I have the solution. In hindsight, a trivial situation I should have thought of before-hand. But, bottom line is we have a cron ...

  • Dear All, Can we call JAVA/PYTHON API from INFORMIX 4GL new versions? Thanks! Best Regards, Indika ------------------------------ Indika Jinadasa ------------------------------

  • According to multiple sources, the ranges of a FLOAT are: Positive numbers: Min Value: 1.175494351E-38 and Max Value: 3.402823466E+38 Negative Numbers: Min value: -3.402823466E+38 and Max Value: -1.175494351E-38 Given that, why can I ...

  • Folks, I will be doing the next Informix Tech Talk. Next Informix TechTalk: Exploring the Informix Sysmaster Database by Lester Knutsen Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024, 2:00 pm EST Description: Lester Knutsen will present his Informix Sysmaster ...

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  • Meet Art S. Kagel, President & Principal Consultant at ASK Database Management Corp., and has been an IBM Champion since the inception of the program! With a passion for technology and a deep love for IBM Informix, Art shares his insights, experiences, ...

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  • nformix, a relational database management system (RDBMS), has been a significant player in the database landscape for several decades. However, in the face of rapidly advancing technologies and emerging trends, it is worth exploring whether Informix is ...

  • nformix, a popular relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by IBM, offers robust features for data storage and retrieval. However, like any software system, Informix has its own set of weaknesses that can impact performance, scalability, ...

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  • As technology landscapes evolve, organizations often find the need to migrate their databases to align with changing requirements. If you're currently utilizing IBM DB2 and considering a migration to Informix Database, this article will guide you through ...

  • Informix, a powerful database management system, is widely used in various industries for its performance and reliability. However, like any complex software, it is not immune to errors. In this technical blog, we will explore some famous errors encountered ...

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