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IBM DataPower Resources

  • Learn more about IBM DataPower Gateway here.
  • What is driving containers adoption? read the datasheet here.

Latest Discussions

  • Now that shipped today and contain many CVE fixes, including CVE-2024-1086, which is handled by this APAR: (UPDATE KERNEL TO ADDRESS MULTIPLE CVES) ...

  • Hi Stefen, Let's answer the easier question first :-) GatewayScript only supports the http, https, mq, dpmq, and graphql protocols. smtp protocols are not support in GatewayScript for urlopen, only supported with the dp:url-open extension element. As ...

  • Adding a recommendation to observe the GwS runtime engine availability using the gatewayscript-status status provider: X3DP:idg(config)# sh gatewayscript-st Available run times: 64 In-use run times: 0 Queued work: 0 Runtime failures: ...

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Latest Blogs

  • DataPower Operations Dashboard (DPOD) is no w available for API use cases with pricing that scales seamlessly with API call volumes with the Cloud Pak for Integration API Calls add-on What is DataPower Operations ...

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  • Application security is essential in any IT architecture. With software and applications deployed across multiple clouds, data centers, and architectures, today’s IT environments are complex and continue to expand at a rapid pace. Securely exposing mission-critical ...

  • A company needs to securely exchange sensitive financial data between its internal accounting system and an external auditing system. To ensure data integrity and authenticity, they use XML signatures. The end-to-end process includes: Signing the ...

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