Engineering Requirements Management

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Your engineering requirements drive development - if they contain errors, so will your products. Add the cloud-based IBM Engineering Requirements Quality Assistant to DOORS Next to increase requirement quality during creation. IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next provides a scalable solution to optimize communication, collaboration and verification of requirements. It enables you to capture, trace, analyze and manage changes to requirements while maintaining compliance to regulations and standards.

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  • Hi, we are facing issues when we import ReqIF files into DOORS Classic modules: Images that were inline in the original are imported as OLE objects, so that only an icon appears in the text. The curious thing is that we have one user for whom the ...

  • I noticed a DOORS module had a table row that has an absolute number higher than any of the table cells in that row. Ex: The table row object has an absolute number of 1555 while the table cell objects have absolute numbers of 1545, etc. I'm aware ...

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    RE: DOORS knowledge

    Hi Martin, I hope that doesnt sound like a commercial but it is not well known that there are SaaS Providers for DOORS9. We offer DOORS 9 (Win 10/11 VM with full DOORS9 Client/Server, Access via html5) for around 350 Euro / 380 USD per plus VAT per ...

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