DevOps Automation

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Welcome to IBM DevOps Automation

As a participant, connect with IBM subject matter experts and get answers to your biggest concerns. Also, share ideas, benchmarks, best practices, and lessons learned with other users. As a member of this online user community, you gain:
  • Direct engagement with IBM subject matter experts
  • Tips and tricks from your industry peers
  • News, announcements, and enhancement details
You’ll also get information regarding our regional and virtual user group meetings, upcoming webinars, how-to blogs, and training. We invite you to participate and ask that you contact with any questions.

If you are new to IBM DevOps Automation, watch our short video (3:59) and visit our webpage

IBM DevOps Automation Resources

  • Checkout the IBM Software Delivery Report 2023, which provides a unique look at the current trends and perceptions of software delivery from the software engineer's vantage point - all thanks to this community's response to our latest survey. Download the report to read the full results, current trends in the industry, and our key recommendations.  
  • DevOps Automation Webinars - be in the know of upcoming webinars and watch recordings of our previous webinars

We look forward to connecting with you! 

Latest Discussions

  • Hi Michael Cargill, The IBM License Key Server service will be automatically created on Windows operating system whenever you install LKS v 9.0. The next step is to edit the LKS_License.dat and update the license keys under bin folder. Either ...

  • Hi Michael Cargill, The IBM License Key Server service will be automatically created on Windows operating system whenever you install LKS v 9.0. The next step is to edit the LKS_License.dat and update the license keys under bin folder. Either ...

  • Hi all I recently updated our RLKS server from 8.1.4 to 9.0. The update itself was done through the IBM Installation Manager, and I then followed these instructions on getting the lmgrd process running - How to Install RLKS 9.0 on a Windows Platform ...

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Latest Blogs

  • Learning How to Share Ideally, a load testing lab is set up such that each tester is using their own machine (physical or virtual) for the DevOps Test workbench; however, this is not always possible. Be aware that configuration becomes more complicated ...

  • DevOps Model RealTime 12.0.2 (2024.06) IBM DevOps Model RealTime 12.0.2 (2024.06) has been just released a few days ago with a nice set of new features in this quarterly release. MacOS on ARM (Apple Silicon) support Using the Clang ...

  • Our testing products have been updated to support Java 17, which provides better performance and security. Here is a reminder of our DevOps Test rebranded names: Here are some highlights of our latest release: ...

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