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  • Thanks for sharing this Jose Luis! I've always wanted to implement something like this but I forgot the PAW/View behavior with hiding the element instead of removing it from the subset. ------------------------------ Wilson Quiles Vázquez ------- ...

  • Excellent - Glad to hear it - gives you some more time for your weekend too. Enjoy! ------------------------------ George Tonkin Business Partner MCI Consultants Johannesburg ------------------------------

  • That works a treat, thanks George, it will be useful in many situations. Have a great weekend Adam ------------------------------ Adam Hubbard ------------------------------

  • You could try something like this: GENERATE( {TM1SubsetToSet([REP Cost Element].[PL Mapping] , "Store Costs (OH)")}, { [REP Cost Element].[PL Mapping].CurrentMember, Descendants([REP Cost Element].[PL Mapping].CurrentMember,99,LEAVES) ...

  • Hi George, Thanks for the swift response. The picture is just an example, there are a few main subtotals eg Store Payroll, Store Property, Store Operations (let's call that level1) and they all have children (level2) and then they also have a child ...

  • Hi Adam, Multiple approaches come to mind to do this like using Descendants() on Store Property then doing an Except() of the children of Store Property. If you only need Store Property and the leaves, ignoring any intermediate levels, there would ...

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  • This article shows you how to make PAW reports dynamic, store user’s preferences and are make PAW reports s more personal to business yours. Users will be able to pickup where they leave off on their financial planning. An Example is a PAW report can ...

  • I attended a presentation by an amazing speaker from IBM where he spoke to finance leaders about how great decisions are integrated decisions and business analytics is no longer a “nice to have” but more a “need to have”. Finance organizations have ...

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  • Due to the complex integrated nature of the bundled experience with Planning Analytics and Satellite Connector, our teams are taking extra care to ensure the implementation and migration approach from Secure Gateway to Satellite Connector are as seamless ...

  • MDX views for Dimension and Cube information With the deprecation of Architect and Perspectives, the properties window that shows the user information about the Dimensions and Cubes will no longer be available and does not have a replacement in PAW ...

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  • *** Please not this does not apply to Planning Analytics as a Service, now available on AWS *** To improve performance on the shut down and startup of your Planning Analytics database, customers should execute the SaveDataAll process periodically. ...

  • Building data integration with IBM Planning Analytics SaaS and AWS Lambda by Eduardo Monich Fronza, Ali Duran, and Marcio da Ros Gomes Customers across different industries are looking for ways to use all of their data to enhance their ...

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