BPM, Workflow, and Case

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Latest Discussions

  • Team, I am getting below error message when trying to log the message from service call. I have placed the log4j.xml and also provided the file path in the jvm general arguments as well. Not sure why it is throwing this error? Any suggestions to check. ...

  • Hi David That's bizarre. We have also reported this at IBM... currently it requires environment-dependent plug-ins, which is not feasible for productive system. We had to adapt the ICMClient manually. The documented command did not work for ...

  • I've got an update and a question. The documentation and the comments in some of the configuration files should be a bit more explicit. the websphereapplicationserver.xml is all about the BAW instance and nothing else. In our case, as we'd installed ...

Latest Blogs

  • Tried exploring various methods to achieve auto-refresh and real-time notifications for custom and third-party dashboards using IBM Business Automation Workflow (BAW). Please find the detailed approach here - https://atanubpmtips.wordpress.com/2024/07/04/comprehensive-guide-to-auto-refresh-and-real-time-notifications-in-baw-for-custom-uis-and-3rd-party-uis-in-headless-setups/ ...

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  • Pre-requisite : I. Install the 22.0.1 Case Management History and Analytics Business Object Auditing Extension 1. Navigate to ACCE 2. Expand the Target Object Store 3. Right Click and click on “Install ...

  • Co-Author: Balunaini Prasad Background: Some customers have large number of complex business objects authored and governed outside of workflow automation products. These business objects could have multiple properties of different ...

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