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Log4j - Custom logging not working in Process Server environment

  • 1.  Log4j - Custom logging not working in Process Server environment

    Posted 7 hours ago


    I am getting below error message when trying to log the message from service call. I have placed the log4j.xml and also provided the file path in the jvm general arguments as well. Not sure why it is throwing this error? Any suggestions to check. 

    The same code is working in workflow center environment. 

    Error - [TeamworksException name='Script Evaluation: Component.Script.fe5c5208-c0bd-4385-8942-3b088fff8c55', message='Internal Script error: com.lombardisoftware.core.TeamWorksRuntimeException: org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: TypeError: Cannot call property getLogger in object [JavaPackage org.apache.log4j.LogManager]. It is not a function, it is "object". (log4jcustom.js#54823)', line=-1, pos=-1 nested=<none>]".

    RK Chandra