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IBMRPAでOCR処理したテキストの処理の注意点 IBMRPAはOCR機能を提供し、Tesseract、ABBYY、Google Cloud Visionを用いて、PDFなどからテキストを抽出することが可能です。ABBYYについては、IBMRPAにライセンスが付属するため、外部のAPIを呼び出すことなくOCR処理をすることが可能ですが、今回、ABBYYで取得したテキストをRESTAPIを用いて他システムと連携させようと試してみたところ、特殊文字の取り扱いについて注意すべき点があったため共有したいと思います。 ABBYYによりOCR処理 ...
DISCLAIMER: This article provides a high level overview for the user to understand the concepts behind table extraction in Automated Document Processing. Please note that this is neither an end-to-end article explaining the steps to be done for table extraction, nor should be treated as the...
Often, we come across business processes that involve PDF documents, and during automation development, some people find it difficult to map these documents. For this reason, I’ve gathered 3 types of PDF files that can be mapped with IBM RPA using different techniques for each of them and I’ll...
Capture is the process of ingesting and processing documents and other business inputs, identifying what they are, extracting key data for business processes, and tagging them for search and retrieval in an ECM system. Many consider it the first critical step for Automation, as getting documents...
Do you want to know how to process documents faster and more efficiently? Take a look at this video, which presents an overview of document processing applications and their capabilities: Automation Document Processing (ADP) is an intelligent, low-code tool for building applications that...
Here' a helpful FAQ about Datacap Insight Edition #capture #documentimaging #IBMDatacap #opticalcharacterrecognition(OCR)
Datacap FAQ.pdf
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