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Writing out PDF file from response

  • 1.  Writing out PDF file from response

    Posted Tue October 31, 2023 09:00 AM

    How do you write out an HTTP Get response in PDF format?  I'm connecting to a web service that replies back with a PDF file.  The pdf file contents are in the response.

    I've tried Write to File, and it will create a file, however, the encoding is not correct.  I've tried all possible encoding parameters - I seem t be close.


    John Bourdeau

  • 2.  RE: Writing out PDF file from response

    Posted Fri November 03, 2023 04:28 PM

    Hello John,

    Have you tried the  HttpStreamToFile command? It receives the file and saves it in %temp after just moving it and renaming it to the correct format, in your case PDF.


    Angelo Alves