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  • 1.  user-group management

    Posted Fri August 04, 2023 02:35 PM


    How do I get ldap users to show on business-central console's security management page. My goal is to add ldap users to the groups I created on this page. Is something like this possible ?

    any help will be appreciated

    balamir kodak

  • 2.  RE: user-group management

    Posted Mon August 07, 2023 03:05 AM

    It will depends how is your current setup. 

    1. Are you deploying on wildfly ? What is your configuration / properies ?
    2. Do you have setup the other security domain ?

    This things can vary depending on what you are doing but usually setting up the security domain in wildfly is enough. Usually this depends more in the container that the Business central.

    Enrique González Martínez

  • 3.  RE: user-group management

    Posted Mon August 07, 2023 07:42 AM
    Edited by balamir kodak Mon August 07, 2023 12:04 PM

    Hello Enrique,

    First off all thanks for response. 

    1- its deployed on jboss Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform - Version 7.4.0.GA

    2 - ı could not upload file on this page because of cross policy blocking. I attached my config file to this location : standalone_xml


    balamir kodak

  • 4.  RE: user-group management

    Posted Wed August 09, 2023 03:16 AM


    I can see in your file that you are using file system realm "ApplicationRealm"

                <filesystem-realm name="ApplicationRealm">
                        <file path="kie-fs-realm-users" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>

    pointing to the kie fs users which is the same used by the business central. please check that in business-central.war/WEB-IN/classes/ you have the property

    If this is the case  (looks by your configuration it is) If you want to change this, you need to go to wildfly documentation and setup LDAP for that realm instead using file system.

    Enrique González Martínez

  • 5.  RE: user-group management

    Posted Thu August 10, 2023 02:50 AM


    We already configured LDAP realm and security domain. We can log in to the business-central application with LDAP users. However, as seen in the picture, we want the users in LDAP to be seen in the users section (marked area in pict attached) of business-central. Because we will use these users to assign tasks. pict

    Thank You

    balamir kodak

  • 6.  RE: user-group management

    Posted Thu August 17, 2023 05:37 AM

    Hi Balamir, 

    Please checkout that.

    Enrique González Martínez

  • 7.  RE: user-group management

    Posted Thu August 17, 2023 07:49 AM
    Hello Enrique ,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to support us. We used KCCredentialsUserManagementService and 
    made the detail settings related to our keycloak server (already configured with existing ldap server) in the file.
    and were able to show ldap users in the Business Central console. 
    Thanks Again..

    balamir kodak