BPM, Workflow, and Case

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  • 1.  Unlock by CM recovery

    Posted Tue May 14, 2024 03:49 AM

    We use bespoke Java components in our workflows. We have a problem that sometimes a particular request is submitted/executed twice. It seems to be related to the occurrence, in the component-queue log-file, of a line with the F_text "Unlock by CM recovery". What does this message mean?

    Jan Breg

  • 2.  RE: Unlock by CM recovery
    Best Answer

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue May 14, 2024 01:44 PM

    Hi Jan,

    The message "Unlock by CM recovery" in your context typically indicates that a lock held by a Component Manager has been released as part of a recovery process. This could happen if the system detected an issue, such as a deadlock or a component not responding, and automatically intervened to unlock the resource.

    The duplicate executions might be due to the recovery process triggering a re-execution of tasks that were perceived as not completed due to the lock.

    You might want to consider looking into how your system manages concurrency and potentially establishing idempotency for your submissions.

    Martin Medina

  • 3.  RE: Unlock by CM recovery

    Posted 20 days ago

    A late reply. The issue is more complicated.

    We have a number of component queues employed in our system. For some, there are two dispatcher queues defined, for other only one. Tasks for the two-dispatcher component queues are neatly picked up by one of the two queues. 

    However, after the CM lock and unlocking of a task one a two-dispatcher queue, the tasks are resubmitted and picked up twice, instead of once. For some tasks this is not a big problem, but for others it blocks succesfull continuation of the workflow. This feels like a FileNet bug. Or is there some setting which should correct for this?

    Jan Breg