Content Management and Capture

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  • 1.  Send multiple documents to bookmark.jsp

    Posted Fri December 29, 2023 06:10 PM

    We are trying to create a link (URL) to Content Navigator which will contains three distinct DocumentID's, and when activated will load and display the three documents in the default FileNet Content Manager Viewer.  I've looked at the Navigator documentation for how to construct a link using bookmark.jsp:

    It appears that for viewing document it only supports a single docid parameter

    Does anyone know how to send multiple documents in a single URL or if this is even possible without having to create custom code?

    Gary Busansky
    RGB Projects Inc

  • 2.  RE: Send multiple documents to bookmark.jsp

    Posted Mon January 01, 2024 08:25 PM

    Hi Gary,

    There is no way to achieve that. Navigator link only supports one id to view in viewer. Multiple documents need multiple URLs.


  • 3.  RE: Send multiple documents to bookmark.jsp

    Posted Tue January 02, 2024 01:49 PM

    Thanks for the feedback Jie Zhang.

    Gary Busansky
    RGB Projects Inc

  • 4.  RE: Send multiple documents to bookmark.jsp

    Posted Tue January 02, 2024 01:44 PM

    It cannot be done with a URL.  However, it can be done using a plugin.  We started with these articles:

    They contain links to get the code for the plugin discussed in the articles.

    Chris Whitcomb

  • 5.  RE: Send multiple documents to bookmark.jsp

    Posted Wed January 03, 2024 09:52 AM
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    Long time ago I was able to construct a url to accomplish getting more than one document , it worked

    First create new search template in the navigator

    Get the  long id for the search it will something like:

    "58910AA9-18AE-4F47-BE88-9B05EC75DA9B},{73D135D3-7E6E-C122-86FE-7EA121D00000}" you will see how it is used in the url

    Then buld your url as:

    https://Your filenet site/navigator/bookmark.jsp?desktop=your disktop&repositoryId=your repository







    The results will get you any number of documents according to your input in your url.

    I hope this helped and please contact me if you have any question.

    Afaf Ezzeldin