Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

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RPA Worksheet position out of range Error not showing up on Dev

  • 1.  RPA Worksheet position out of range Error not showing up on Dev

    Posted Thu June 29, 2023 12:04 PM

    Hi all,

    I am fairly new at RPA and I dont really know if I post here or somewhere else to get some help but I will post it anyway and hopefully get help or get redirected to the correct place. 

    I have taken over code form a co worker that has left and I am left confused when playing around with the code. When I run it on production I get this error: 

    (Error) Worksheet position out of range. at excelGetTable in [path] KarroMapping: line 214. StackTrace:
    at excelGetTable - file $(failedRowsSheet) -getfirstsheet - entiretable - hasheaders failedRowTable=value in [path] KarroMapping: line 214,
    at goSub - label KarroMapping in [path] main: line 176

    I then ran the code on dev and didn't get the error at all. I have double checked the code for both dev and prod, all are the same bar the file paths.

    The data being fed into the code is also the exact same, except being in the different file paths.

    I am at a loss of what to do. 

    Please help,


    Cristina Lyn Ibusca

  • 2.  RE: RPA Worksheet position out of range Error not showing up on Dev

    Posted Mon July 03, 2023 11:51 AM

    Hi there!

    Looks like you're trying to use the first sheet and it should be working... Try using a named sheet just to see if it works properly, maybe it can be some internal error?

    Something like this, replacing the name "Sheet1" by yours:

    excelGetTable --file ${failedRowsSheet} --sheet Sheet1 --entiretable --hasheaders failedRowTable=value

    Erick Souza Martinho

  • 3.  RE: RPA Worksheet position out of range Error not showing up on Dev

    Posted Wed July 05, 2023 10:36 AM

    Hi Erick,

    Thank you for the reply! I have tried that but have gotten this error. Do you have another idea?

    Many thanks,


    Cristina Lyn Ibusca