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ODM images PullBackOff while deploying Helm Chart release.

  • 1.  ODM images PullBackOff while deploying Helm Chart release.

    Posted Tue April 25, 2023 01:43 PM

    Hi, a customer entitled for ODM 8.11 is trying to deploy in certified Kubernetes. They refused to trade-up the ODM license by equivalent CP4BA entitlement.

    When trying to deploy the helm chart release they got an HTTP 403 (forbidden) while pulling ODM images from

    My understading is that, like ODM entitled customer, they are allowed to deploy the chart. ¿isn't it¿Is this because ODM images are stored in the official CP4BA registry?

    In such case I guess they can still upload ODM images to their local registry, but is not the preferred option.


    Eduardo Izquierdo Lázaro
    Automation Architect

  • 2.  RE: ODM images PullBackOff while deploying Helm Chart release.

    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 11:55 AM

    Hello Eduardo,

    We think there is an issue with your image pull secret.

    We documented its creation on and its use later.

    First, log in to MyIBM Container Software Library with the IBMid and password that are associated with the entitled software.

    Then create the pull secret containing the ICR credentials:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry registrysecret \
                                                             --docker-username=cp \
                                                             --docker-password="<entitlementkey>" \

    Finally you can start you Helm installation with the mandatory argument:

    helm install <release> ibmcharts/ibm-odm-prod \
            --set --set image.pullSecrets=registrysecret

    Plus your other parameters. Then it should work as expected.


    Pierre-Yves Lochou