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  • 1.  Is Datacap EventLog broken? How to fix it?

    Posted Sat March 02, 2024 07:57 AM
    I've checked 4 machines.
    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\EventLog\Datacap\Taskmaster Server Sub
    A key named "EventMessageFile" has a value "C:\Datacap\Taskm".
    The path seems broken.
    Then, under
    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\EventLog\Datacap\Datacap Rulerunner Service
    the value is "C:\Datacap\Taskmas". Also seems broken.
    On the other hand, VisualStudio's EventLog's "EventMessageFile" value is 
    It seems Datacap EventLog creation has a defect or has gone wrong on my machines.
    How do I fix it? Where is EventLogMessages.dll or something like that under C:\Datacap?
    Can I manually fix it?
    Our Datacap version is 9.1.9 IFix 4


  • 2.  RE: Is Datacap EventLog broken? How to fix it?

    Posted Mon March 04, 2024 08:26 PM

    My 9.19 ifix 4 registry setting for both key looks just like yours. 
    I don't think it's broken.  But you can export and import the dey from a working system. 
    However since yours looks like my, I don't think that is your issue. 
    When you install datacap did you select the setup.exe or the MSI? 
    For Setup.exe it check and install all the dependencies but when you run the MSI it thinks that you have all the dependencies and will not install them. 
    You might have to back up any custom application and probably be easier to reinstall. 
    Depending on your OS some has certain version of MS redistrutable. 

    Duke Lam

  • 3.  RE: Is Datacap EventLog broken? How to fix it?

    Posted Mon March 04, 2024 08:56 PM

    Thank you for your comment.

    > I don't think it's broken. 

    Event Viewer's Datacap entries always show "There is no explanation for Event ID 0".

    I kind of think the "C:\Datacap\Taskmas" is broken and it is supposed to point to a message dll.

    But I will leave it like this for now.

    > When you install datacap did you select the setup.exe or the MSI? 
    I chose setup.exe

    Have you seen Event Viewer without "Datacap" event log after Datacap installation?

    I've seen this happen twice before. I worked around by manually creating Datacap event log in Windows OS registry.

    I am not sure what triggers this failure of "Datacap" event log creation. Datacap installation always seems successful, though.
