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How to stop Browser Notifications everytime i open up a new browser

  • 1.  How to stop Browser Notifications everytime i open up a new browser

    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 10:24 AM

    How to turn off edge notifications whenever i start the run browser command? its keep blocking some of the menu and making me cant access it

    Muhamad Firdaus

  • 2.  RE: How to stop Browser Notifications everytime i open up a new browser

    Posted Mon October 16, 2023 08:42 AM

    Hey Muhamad,

    No one likes notifications disrupting their workflow, right? I wasn't able to reproduce your issue, but here are some potential solutions:

    1. Turn Off 'Ask before sending (recommended)': Pop over to 'edge://settings/content/notifications' and make sure 'Ask before sending (recommended)' is switched off. That way, notifications won't bug you with permission requests, and will be blocked. 

    2. Switch Up Your Startup Page: Set Edge to open the New Tab page when you start. Click those three dots in the corner, go to 'Settings,' find 'On startup,' and choose 'Open the New Tab page.' That should give you a more peaceful start.

    3. IBM RPA Customizations: Now, with IBM RPA's 'start browser' command, you've got some features you can leverage too:

      • Load User Profile: Test with the loaded user profile, and without. This can sometimes be the only tweak you need for most browser start issues.
      • Disable Extensions (enableextensions): If extensions are causing the trouble, consider turning them off.
      • Incognito Mode (incognito): Open the browser in incognito mode to keep things low-key.
      • IE11 Compatibility Mode (iecompatibility):Test this if you're dealing with compatibility-related notifications.

    Give some of these a try, and see if it helps resolve your startup notification problems.

    Martin Medina