I have problem using RPA in excel.
My excel file contains formula in some cells.
When the RPA open this file and get excel table to data table, the output look like this:
As you can see, Column 10 and Column 15 has '#VALUE!' which is in excel file is contain formula.
This is my excel file
Column K and P contains formula.
Can you help me to solve this case?
This is the code:
defVar --name excelFile03 --type Excel
defVar --name sheetVA --type DataTable
defVar --name rowsVA --type Numeric
excelOpen --file "fileExcel" excelFile03=value
excelGetTable --file ${excelFile03} --sheet SheetVA --fromrow 2 --fromcolumn 1 sheetVA=value rowsVA=rows
Thank you
Muhammad Ramadhan