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How do you send a file and parameters in Http request with multipart form data?

  • 1.  How do you send a file and parameters in Http request with multipart form data?

    Posted Mon April 10, 2023 03:41 PM

    I'm able to setup Postman, however I'm unable to translate the postman code to IBM RPA.  If anyone can help it would be appreciated.

    defVar --name success --type Boolean
    defVar --name objectStoreId --type HttpContent
    defVar --name content --type HttpContent
    defVar --name responseHeader --type StringDictionary --innertype String
    defVar --name multicontentvar --type HttpContent
    defVar --name response --type String
    defVar --name statusCode --type Numeric
    defVar --name multipart --type HttpContent
    defVar --name fileContent --type HttpContent
    defVar --name authVariable --type StringDictionary --innertype String
    strDictAdd --key Authorization --value "Basic cDhhZG1pbjpsaGMkbzcxMw==" --dictionary ${authVariable}
    createHttpContent --formattype "Bytes" --file "C:/Accord/AcordMitch.pdf" fileContent=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Multipart" --contentlist "{\"file\":\"${fileContent}\"}" multipart=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Json" --body "{\"objectStoreId\": \"{F94CF4D3-8FA7-43D6-8FCD-3C687E914766}\"}\n  " objectStoreId=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Multipart" --contentlist "objectstore=${objectStoreId}" content=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Multipart" --boundary asdfasf --contentlist "content1=${content}, content2=${multipart}" multicontentvar=value
    httpRequest --verb "Post" --url "https://SERVER:9443/integrator/rest/docs" --headers ${authVariable} --formatter "Instance" --source "${multicontentvar}" success=success response=value statusCode=statusCode responseHeader=headers
    logMessage --message "Sucess: ${success}\r\nResponse: ${response}\r\nStatus Code: ${statusCode}\r\nResponse Header: ${responseHeader}" --type "Info"


    John Bourdeau

  • 2.  RE: How do you send a file and parameters in Http request with multipart form data?

    Posted Thu April 13, 2023 02:40 PM
    Edited by Angelo Alves Thu April 13, 2023 02:41 PM

    Hi John,

    I managed to send a file this way

    defVar --name success --type Boolean
    defVar --name objectStoreId --type HttpContent
    defVar --name responseHeader --type StringDictionary --innertype String
    defVar --name response --type String
    defVar --name statusCode --type Numeric
    defVar --name multipart --type HttpContent
    defVar --name fileContent --type HttpContent
    defVar --name authVariable --type StringDictionary --innertype String
    strDictAdd --key Authorization --value "Basic cDhhZG1pbjpsaGMkbzcxMw==" --dictionary ${authVariable}
    createHttpContent --formattype "Bytes" --file "I:\\OoPdfFormExample.pdf" fileContent=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Text" --body "{F94CF4D3-8FA7-43D6-8FCD-3C687E914766}" --encoding "Default" --mediatype "multipart/form-data" objectStoreId=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Multipart" --contentlist "{\"file\":\"${fileContent}\",\"objectStoreId\":\"${objectStoreId}\"}" multipart=value
    httpRequest --verb "Post" --url "https://SERVER:9443/integrator/rest/docs" --headers ${authVariable} --formatter "Instance" --source "${multipart}" success=success response=value statusCode=statusCode responseHeader=headers
    logMessage --message "Sucess: ${success}\r\nResponse: ${response}\r\nStatus Code: ${statusCode}\r\nResponse Header: ${responseHeader}" --type "Info"

    Angelo Alves
    IBM RPA Technical Specialist

  • 3.  RE: How do you send a file and parameters in Http request with multipart form data?

    Posted Fri April 14, 2023 08:45 AM

    Thanks for the help!



    John Bourdeau

    Systems Consultant

    c. 781-507-1015












