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Daeja Virtual Viewer

  • 1.  Daeja Virtual Viewer

    Posted Wed January 24, 2024 05:22 PM

    Hi Guys, I'm implementing the Daeja virtual viewer in our company.   I am opening the viewer by using the following object in a html file and assigning a filename to load the image.

    <param name="annotate" value="true">
    <param name="annotateEdit" id="annotateEditID" value="">
    <param name="annotationsToggleBurn" id="annotateToggleBurnID" value="" >
    <param name="annotationDefaults" value="all {burnable=true}">
    <param name="designPackage" value="carbon">
    <param name="viewmode" id="annotateViewModeID" value="">
    <param name="filename" id="viewerfileID" value="">
    <param name="emptyOnClose" value="true" />
    All is working fine, however I need the viewer to auto set to width for the window it opens in.  It seems this can be done with javascript using the ViewONE.setScale(1) value.   
    However I'm not sure where or how to implement the javascript as I'm just using the code above.  I've tried to add it to the and also in an onload javascript event in the html file but all to no avail.    How can I assign this value to the viewer? 

    setScale method
    Ibm remove preview
    setScale method
    Specifies the scale mode to be used to display a page.
    View this on Ibm >

    Niall Fitzgerald