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CPE API used in ICN plugin not working with ICN running on Container (part of CP4BA) (works on ICN with tWAS)

  • 1.  CPE API used in ICN plugin not working with ICN running on Container (part of CP4BA) (works on ICN with tWAS)

    Posted Mon October 30, 2023 09:44 AM
    We have a custom IBM Content Navigator plugin where we have implemented a "service" which connects to CPE and retrieves data which we then display on ICN widget. This service overrides user subject with a "service" account to perform search as user doesn't have complete access. 
    In the service we have implemented call as -
    Subject systemUserSubject = UserContext.createSubject(connection, systemUser, systemPassword,"FileNetP8");
    <Perform Searches and at the end>
    Our custom plugin is working perfectly fine on tWAS since last 3+ years. When we ported this on ICN running on container, we see following error. 
    com.filenet.api.exception.EngineRuntimeException: FNRCE0040E: E_NOT_AUTHENTICATED: The user is not authenticated. Message was: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyClientBuilder
            at com.filenet.apiimpl.core.UserPasswordToken.getSubject(
            at com.filenet.api.util.UserContext.createSubject(
    When we add j2ee.jar library in Liberty classpath - we get following error.
    [ERROR   ] CWIMK0011E: The user registry operation could not be completed. A valid user registry was not found. Add or correct the registry definition in the server.xml file.
     registry operation could not be completed. A valid user registry was not found. Add or correct the registry definition in the server.xml file.
                    at [internal classes]
                    at java.base/
                    at java.base/$
                    at java.base/$
                    at java.base/
                    at java.base/
                    at java.base/
                    at com.filenet.apiimpl.core.UserPasswordToken.getSubject(
                    at com.filenet.api.util.UserContext.createSubject(
    Any idea as how we can resolve this? 

    Nitin Upasani

  • 2.  RE: CPE API used in ICN plugin not working with ICN running on Container (part of CP4BA) (works on ICN with tWAS)

    Posted Tue October 31, 2023 06:02 PM

    Try adding this JVM option to the Navigator pod

    ROGER Bacalzo