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Caustic production environments - An example of how they help ensure robust high-capacity software systems

  • 1.  Caustic production environments - An example of how they help ensure robust high-capacity software systems

    Posted Mon February 19, 2024 12:23 PM

    Customer Spotlight -ClientX 
    In 1980 Mantissa released a software product that permanently changed report document management and created an entirely new market segment.
    Four years before that date one of Mantissa's founding members worked on the implementation of the last commercially available copy of a software system designed to support credit card processing.  After that sale, ClientX recognized that packaged merchant solutions and nonstop transaction processing were the future.
    Today, this company processes over 32 billion transactions a year. Nonstop growth demands nonstop availability and unlimited capacity. The workload is brutal and system failure is not an option.  From the beginning, ClientX has relied on the robustness of IBM software and hardware to guarantee management of explosive growth unimpeded by limits. IBM is the only source for the degree of reliability and capacity required. 
    In 1991, when ClientX selected RMS for 24x7 report management, Mantissa was in its element. No other output management system (then or now) has comparable abilities to ingest, distribute, and archive reports.  At that time a single report management repository could span 254 disk volumes and contain 3.4 million datasets.  Today, a CACHE array repository could encompass 51,200 disk volumes holding up to 680 million datasets. 
    Performance guarantees can exact heavy penalties. ClientX has configured RMS in such a way that output produced by 100 million transactions a day can be managed and, if required, immediately failover and continue processing on an alternate CPU in the data center. Their approach is arguably an elegant solution that employs RMS as an essential component.
    Work smart, not hard. Overnight delivery of reports to customers via RMS/DeskTop provides a proven way to save time and leverage the power of information locked in their reports. Desktop provides advanced viewing, data mining, and archive capabilities.  Overnight, immediately after receiving their reports, ClientX customers can automatically have their report data stored, mined, and placed in any number of spreadsheets. 

    Why are customers like ClientX so important? It's simple. They make us and our software better. Let us hear how your customers have made your products  better.

    Gary Dennis --. .- .-. -.--