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  • 1.  BAMOE Canvas UI

    Posted Wed October 04, 2023 01:57 PM

    Hi There,

    I have downloaded the BAMOE_9.0_Source_Distribute_EN for the BAMOE Canvas tools. But when I build and run on my local machine after that still get the KIE Sandbox UI, I am not getting the BAMOE Canvas UI.

    I would appreciate it if you could assist me in resolving this issue as soon as possible.

    Kishan Kumar

  • 2.  RE: BAMOE Canvas UI

    Posted Thu October 05, 2023 10:19 AM

    Hello, Kishan!

    So I can provide better assistance, could you clarify some things for me?
    Is the BAMOE_9.0_Source_Distribute_EN file the one that contains the sources for kie-tools, drools, etc?
    And if it is, how are you building and running BAMOE Canvas?


    Thiago Lugli

  • 3.  RE: BAMOE Canvas UI

    Posted Thu October 05, 2023 10:30 AM

    Hi Thiago,

    Thanks for replying to me!

    Yes, it contains the sources for kie-tools, drools, etc.

    and building I am following some of the
    1. Open the terminal in the KIE-tools directory.

    2. Launch pnpm bootstrap command.

    3. Launch pnpm -F @kie-tools/online-editor... build:dev command.

    4. Launch pnpm -F @kie-tools/online-editor start command.

    The application available is on https://localhost:9001.

    Kishan Kumar

  • 4.  RE: BAMOE Canvas UI

    Posted Thu October 05, 2023 11:32 AM


    So this is how you run KIE Sandbox, the upstream of BAMOE Canvas. This is the KIE Community version (more about it here:

    To run BAMOE Canvas you'll need to run the BAMOE Canvas image or the BAMOE Docker compose (which will initialize the required services, like Extended Services and Git CORS Proxy as well), both are available via BAMOE downloads:

    More information about the installation process is available here:

    Thiago Lugli

  • 5.  RE: BAMOE Canvas UI

    Posted Thu October 05, 2023 11:38 AM

    is it BAMOE Canvas code open source or editions?

    Kishan Kumar

  • 6.  RE: BAMOE Canvas UI

    Posted Sat October 07, 2023 07:13 AM

    Hi Thiago,

    We are working for a customer on IBM BAMOE Canvas.

    the customer wanted some customization on IBM BAMOE Canvas, that wise we are looking for IBM BAMOE Canvas Source code.
    anyway, I can get the BAMOE Canvas source 
    code. Please let me know. Thanks

    Kishan Kumar

  • 7.  RE: BAMOE Canvas UI

    Posted Fri October 13, 2023 02:52 PM

    BAMOE Canvas is customizable via environment variables (you can check them out here:

    Is there anything that you may need to customize and can't be done via those variables?

    Thiago Lugli