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  • 1.  any suggestions on migration annotations from Image services to FileNet P8 programmatic extraction & injection process.

    Posted Wed April 24, 2024 05:10 PM

    Hi ,

    can somebody advise on migrating annotations from Image services to FileNet P8 through programming.

    I have extracted annotations from IS through ISRA APIs  but need to know how to apply this extracted annotations to documents in P8? please advise.

    I know we can use FileNet Java annotation APIs to apply annotations to documents in P8 but do I need to format extracted annotations xml before applying to documents in P8? much appreciated if someone could share their experiences.

    I am specially concerned about multi page IS documents which has annotations on each page.



    Venkat S

  • 2.  RE: any suggestions on migration annotations from Image services to FileNet P8 programmatic extraction & injection process.

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu April 25, 2024 08:26 AM


    any particular reason you want to do it programmatically instead of automatic by using federation?

    Annotations in IS are in a proprietary format as a row in the MKF annotations table. Unless you have information on the proprietary format your only real chance is to federate them. The federation process will create P8 XML annotations from that MKF rows.

    You are free to create a CONFORMANT P8 annotation XML and store it directly as an annotation object. No need to use the API...

    Maybe you can use IDM Desktop API to extract the annotations in a way, but I never researched that one. also be careful that - if you convert the documents to another format - most likely your coordinate system will change and you need to apply a coordinate transform. Otherwise the annotation will not appear in the correct place.

    Just do not stay on single-page TIFs, you will regret it.

    A word of caution: if you have never done such migration (as many business partners did an do) without some serious consultancy you are bound for a LOT of frustration....

    Kind regards,


    Gerold Krommer

  • 3.  RE: any suggestions on migration annotations from Image services to FileNet P8 programmatic extraction & injection process.

    Posted Thu April 25, 2024 08:46 AM
      |   view attached

    Hi Venkat, 

    As Gerold mentioned FileNet federation will do this for you and I in a previous post I described benefits of export > convert > import migrations.  If you use the latter then you need to export the annotations and recreate in FileNet.  Unlike content annotations are mutable so you can create/delete as needed but you will need to extract every property from the IS annotation and recreate the XML. The annotation XML references the document object GUID, you need to convert the plain text into encoded string chars, if you are converting from image to PDF you have to change the DPI/location of x/y coordinates on the image, you can create the new annotations in any order and the property within the anno XML defines the Z order and placement, also references the content element of which content transfer object is annotated. Lastly you need to convert dates from IS to UTC time.  Totally doable I have a low cost utility that does this or you can build out the same. 

    I attached  PDF guide that is very good. In my custom code approach I have a base class of all common properties then sub classes for each type of annotation where I add the unique properties for that type. From those custom code classes override a method like Convert(Id) or GetXML(uuid myDocID) which then iterates over the properties and generates the XML you need. Alternatively you can create XML template examples for each type of annotation then insert default values where you need to insert custom values. From your anno type class do a find - replace text in the XML, create a new XML document and add that to FileNet. If you have coded to IS and retrieved documents you can certainly figure this out pretty easy just takes time due to the number of properties and types. 

    Jay Bowen


  • 4.  RE: any suggestions on migration annotations from Image services to FileNet P8 programmatic extraction & injection process.

    Posted Thu April 25, 2024 03:13 PM


    If you federate your documents from Image Services to P8, then the annotations can be copied to P8 and the location of the annotations will be handled directly for you. See the information on CFS IS for more details:

    There is no extra installation involved...just configuration.


    RUTH Hildebrand-Lund

  • 5.  RE: any suggestions on migration annotations from Image services to FileNet P8 programmatic extraction & injection process.

    Posted Mon May 06, 2024 04:23 AM

    Hi Ruth,

    We are currently migrating from IS to P8 and have deliberately decided to use CFS-IS as a component of P8. Unfortunately, CFS-IS does not really work as expected with the annotations.  
    The customer has a whole series of annotations that are migrated from CFS-IS, but then cause an error in the Daeja viewer, which means that the document cannot be displayed.
    The cause of the error is the Custom_Bytes section, specifically the 8 byte in this section. According to IBM support, only values between 0 and 127 are permitted here. For some reason, however, the customer also has values of -32 or 128 here and this unfortunately causes the Daeja viewer to crash. 

    <F_CUSTOM_BYTES>19 4 16 8 49 20 4 -32 0 0 71 111 115 97 110 106 117 116 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 0</F_CUSTOM_BYTES

    Unfortunately, it was not possible to offer us a solution here, nor to say whether and what this Custom_Bytes section is still needed in P8, nor what the 8th Byte in the CustomSection is responsible for.  In the end we wrote a CustomSweep that checks all IS annotations for incorrect values and then corrects them 
    by turning -32 into 32 and 128 into 127. At our own risk because we still don't know what this 8 byte stands for.
    In any case, the workaround ensures that annotations and documents can be opened again with the Daeja viewer.


    Michael Pressler

  • 6.  RE: any suggestions on migration annotations from Image services to FileNet P8 programmatic extraction & injection process.

    Posted Tue May 07, 2024 07:34 AM
    you should contact Claudia Völk Fanenbruck from IBM Deutschland Services.
    She can rent a license of 2 tools I also participated in the past at development and maintenance. These tools are written in C and have a very good performance. They are designed developed and upgraded for each version of IS and CE on all platforms. You will be not disappointed! You can also have a support for the tools.
    the short names for them are:

    IS FetchIt to export your IS documents images and indexes  including  system ones like docclass, docId and annotations and securities...

    BatchItCE to import in CE the documents with annotations and securities. you can here also decide if you want to have the IS - docId as properties.

    Both tools are used by a lot of others worldwide and give you a chance to work professional..

    Do not hesitate,


    Dorothea Vulcan

    phone: +49 171 7832 120
    This email is strict confidential otherwise not specified. All other receivers are required to use no content and addresses and to delete  them from all clients and servers. In any other cases they could be punished conform international laws.

  • 7.  RE: any suggestions on migration annotations from Image services to FileNet P8 programmatic extraction & injection process.

    Posted Mon April 29, 2024 03:39 AM

    Hi if you use standard IS annotations, an other way can be to export the annotations via IBM Export for FileNet Image Manager known as (FetchIt) 

    and import them via IBM FileNet BatchIt CE to P8.

    These are standard assets from Technical Export Labs and can be loan for such cases. 

    The export will be done "batchit conform " format and the export can be used directly for the import to P8.

    Claudia Völk-Fanenbruck