Blueworks Live

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  • 1.  Adding License User Role

    Posted Fri June 09, 2023 10:51 AM


    I am new on Blueworks Live and I am trying to solve one problem.

    I have Subscription Administrator role and I am trying to add a License User role to another user but I cannot enable that role for a user(checkbox gives red circle).

    Borko Gavrilovic

  • 2.  RE: Adding License User Role
    Best Answer

    Posted Mon June 12, 2023 08:42 PM

    I don't think I've ever seen the screen you are showing. When you are logged into BlueworksLive, there should be an Admin link right next to your name. This is where you can administer what role a user belongs to, assuming you have already invited them to use Blueworks and that they have accepted the invitation and logged in.

    Brian French
    Salient Process, Inc

  • 3.  RE: Adding License User Role

    Posted Fri June 16, 2023 09:32 AM

    Yes, that was a correct way, I have discovered it just after I posted question.

    I was looking at wrong place to add a license for a user.

    Thank you,


    Borko Gavrilovic

  • 4.  RE: Adding License User Role

    Posted Mon November 13, 2023 12:50 PM

    There is an issue with the "License User" role not being enabled, it is currently under investigation by the IBM Blueworks Live team.

    In the meantime, there is a workaround that you can use:

    1. Create a new role with the same permissions as the "License User" role.
    2. Assign the new role to the user.
    3. Once the user has been assigned the new role, you can enable the "License User" role.

    Here are the steps on how to create a new role:

    1. Go to the Administration page.
    2. Click the Roles tab.
    3. Click the Create New Role button.
    4. In the Create New Role dialog box, enter a name and description for the new role.
    5. Select the permissions that you want to grant to the new role.
    6. Click the Create button.

    Here are the steps on how to assign a role to a user:

    1. Go to the Administration page.
    2. Click the Users tab.
    3. Select the user that you want to assign the role to.
    4. In the Roles section, select the role that you want to assign.
    5. Click the Save button.

    Here are the steps on how to enable the "License User" role:

    1. Go to the Administration page.
    2. Click the Roles tab.
    3. Select the "License User" role.
    4. In the Status section, select Enabled.
    5. Click the Save button.

    Once you have followed these steps, the user will be able to use the "License User" role.

    jonah wills