Decision Management (ODM, ADS)

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As a participant, connect with IBM subject matter experts and get answers to your biggest concerns. Also, share ideas, benchmarks, best practices, and lessons learned with other users. As a member of this online user community, you gain:
  • Direct engagement with IBM subject matter experts
  • Tips and tricks from your industry peers
  • News, announcements, and enhancement details
You’ll also get information regarding our regional and virtual user group meetings, upcoming webinars, how-to blogs, and training. We invite you to participate and ask that you contact with any questions.

This topic group is a place to discuss best practices, discuss how you are using Operational Decision Manager (ODM), Decision Composer, or other precursor products, and as a place to post questions and get answers about decisions and business rules.

***If you are new to Business Automation, start HERE.***

Latest Discussions

  • Hello all! I'm happy to announce these 2-day, instructor-led and self-paced, client-facing courses are now available: D eveloping Decision Services in IBM Operational Decision Manager-I Focuses on design of the object models, rule authoring, and ...

  • With the provided interim fix IF009 everything works fine. Thank you! ------------------------------ Stephanie Heßler ------------------------------

  • Michael's example showcases the issue we currently have. Not being able to use local variables is a pain. Plus there really would be a lot of occurences we would have to update. Can you recreate the problem? ------------------------------ Stephanie ...

Latest Blogs

  • I am proud to announce that IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) v9.0 has been made generally available as of June 28. This latest release of our enterprise decision automation offering brings many exciting features, enhancements and illustrated assets: ...

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  • This article introduces a tutorial that demonstrates how to deploy an IBM® Operational Decision Manager (ODM) clustered topology thanks to the container-native load balancer of GKE . The ODM services are exposed using the Ingress provided by the ODM ...

  • This project demonstrates how to deploy an IBM® Operational Decision Manager (ODM) clustered topology on the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cloud service. AKS allows you to quickly deploy a production ready Kubernetes cluster in Azure. This deployment ...

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