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Discover - A Highly Effective Use Case for Blueworks Live

By DAVID Jenness posted Wed October 19, 2022 09:49 AM


I’ve attended lots of User Group Events and Trade Shows on behalf of IBM Business Automation in the past decade and when users talk about IBM Blueworks Live, they are always delighted. While the easy-to-use cloud-based tool was designed to give Automation architects and designers a way to visualize a process as they re-engineer and build out process flows, our own users have found new and interesting ways to get even more value from it.

Take Discover, the credit card company, for example. Gretchen Bowers, Senior Manager of Operational Excellence at Discover Financial Services, recently presented at the Midwest User Group and shared a risk management use case, where thousands of Discover employees use Blueworks Live to model and document areas of potential risk for the company, which is in a highly regulated industry as well as one vulnerable to fraud.

Take 20 minutes and let Gretchen share her learnings. I hope you’ll find it fascinating as I did.

