IBM Security MaaS360

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  • 1.  App version not updating in Maas360

    Posted Mon February 26, 2024 07:42 AM

    Hi there, we have a number of apps in our catalog, all set up with VPP.  Generally speaking, they will auto-update just fine, but we have one that doesn't want to update to the latest version.  Is there a way to manually trigger the update from Apple?  I've tried the Refresh App Details button, which seems to be the only option available.



    Mike Roach

  • 2.  RE: App version not updating in Maas360

    Posted Tue February 27, 2024 04:32 AM

    Hi Mike 

    This device may not have been set up correctly or may not be in Supervised mode via DEP. 

    Because it is just one device you have the option of either raising a Support ticket - which will take time to troubleshoot as log files will be needed. Otherwise you could just unenroll and re-enroll the device - I think given the circumstances this will be the most efficient course of action. 


    Eamonn O'Mahony
    Technical Client Success Manager
    IBM Security
    Dublin, Ireland

  • 3.  RE: App version not updating in Maas360

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 27, 2024 08:51 AM

    You can try the following:


    1. Go into the app settings in MaaS and ensure you have configured removing distribution DOES NOT remove the app.
    2. If you make any changes here, save them before going to the next step.
    3. Make note of all the app distribution groups you have configured for the app.
    4. Delete the app
    5. Re-install the app ensuring auto-update and instant install are enabled
    6. Set distribution to your list of app distro groups
    7. Set remove on distribution again.


    Or try the following:


    Mitch Lauer

    Sr. Management Consultant

    connecTel  Wireless              

    216-970-6981 | Cell-US           416-801-3127 | Cell-Canada  

    412-339-5775 | Help Desk      412-339-5765 | Direct Dial


  • 4.  RE: App version not updating in Maas360

    Posted Tue February 27, 2024 11:05 AM

    Thanks Mitch, removing and then re-adding to the portal did the trick.  I wasn't sure if there was another method to manually trigger the update, since most of the apps seem to update automatically quite reliably.

    Thanks again


    Mike Roach