Existing users of IBM Integration Bus may already be familiar with the concept of an integration node. Architecturally speaking, an integration node is a parent process which is responsible for looking after one or more associated integration server processes. An Integration Server is used to provide an isolated runtime environment for a set of deployed message flows and resources. Each Integration Server runs as a unique operating system process in a separate address space. App Connect Enterprise v11.0.0.0 was the first time that Integration Server processes could be defined independently from an Integration Node. An Integration Node provides a higher level operating system process, as part of a wider process hierarchy, which is designed to look after the servers which are owned by it. If you are planning to run the App Connect Enterprise software in conjunction with a container framework such as Kubernetes or IBM Cloud Private, then it is the responsibility of this framework to ensure that the servers remain running (or are restarted appropriately) so in this situation using independent Integration Servers would be the preferred architectural choice.
However, many people will be planning to run the App Connect Enterprise software directly on a physical machine without any wider container orchestration framework. In this situation you are advised to define Integration Servers under an Integration Node. The Integration Node capability of the product and the node-wide HTTP Listener, are delivered in ACEv11.0.0.1 as Technology Preview Code for customers to use in non-production environments. This early access is provided for internal use for evaluation purposes and to allow customers to provide feedback and functionality suggestions to IBM before the Integration Node becomes fully supported.
At first glance, integration nodes will be very familiar to existing IBM Integration Bus users. You can create and start an integration node and its integration servers using some existing commands that have been with the product for a very long time, which should help existing users who are keen to reuse administrative scripts from earlier product versions. To create an integration node and an associated integration server, launch an App Connect Enterprise command console and use the following commands:
mqsicreatebroker TESTNODE_ACE
mqsistart TESTNODE_ACE
mqsicreateexecutiongroup TESTNODE_ACE -e server1
You can connect your App Connect Enterprise Toolkit to both independent integration servers, and also those which are owned by an integration node: