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  • 1.  URL Open Error for amp calls with 443 port

    Posted 18 days ago

    Hi Team,

    I was trying to execute the URL https://dpurl:443/service/mgmt/amp/3.0 as the current system is not allowing the 5550 port to set, it is showing the error message "Could not open URL https://dpurl:443/service/mgmt/amp/3.0"

    Is there any way to guide me as the 5550 port is unavailable?


    Soubhagyalaxmi Sahoo

  • 2.  RE: URL Open Error for amp calls with 443 port

    IBM Champion
    Posted 18 days ago
    Edited by Joseph Morgan 18 days ago

    I suppose "dpurl" is the URL to the appliance management IP?  You really shouldn't need to explicitly use port 443, though it is OK. 

    *How* are you trying to execute the URL?  cURL?  PostMan?  Or something else?

    Why is 5550 not available?  Is that because something else is using it other than the management (which is OK, just getting my head around the situation)?

    Joseph Morgan

  • 3.  RE: URL Open Error for amp calls with 443 port

    Posted 18 days ago

    Hi Joseph,

    I am trying to disable the probe through XML Manager automatically.

    For this, I am trying to enable the probe using a management call using SOMA call

    like https://dpmanagementURL:2021/enableprobe

    Internally it calls the XML file where the below codes are available to call the AMP/SOMA call.

    <interface type="soma" url="https://localhost:5550/service/mgmt/2004" ssl_pp="DP_Mgmt_TLS_PP"/>
    <interface type="amp" url="https://localhost:5550/service/mgmt/amp/3.0" ssl_pp="DP_Mgmt_TLS_PP"/>

    In policy it is able to call the domainlist and store the domain list file in temporary folder, then it calls the generate service list to get the service list and need to show all service details in a xml file.

    It is already executable in my local system using port 5550 and gets all necessary activities like domain details, service details etc.

    However, I am trying to execute the same code in client system where the port 5550 is not allowed for xml management but only port 443 is allowed.

    So when I am trying to use the 443 port with amp calls it is showing the error - Error occurred when connecting URL https://dpmanagementURL:443/service/mgmt/amp/3.0.

    Just wanted to know can we use 443 port for any DP admin activities like file management, Probe enable/disable etc through SOMA/ AMP calls?

    if allowed, how can we proceed on this?

    Please suggest.


    Soubhagyalaxmi Sahoo

  • 4.  RE: URL Open Error for amp calls with 443 port

    IBM Champion
    Posted 18 days ago

    How is your XML Management interface configured?  That is, what IP and Port?   From reading this, it appears your management IP is on localhost, with (maybe) a port set to 0 (zero)???

    Joseph Morgan