Hi All,
I am trying to connect Kafka via App connect , Given all the needed configurations in the policy file (Bootstrap server , truststore location , security protocol).
I am getting below error,
BIP4362E: Java node error: [BIPmsgs:3891]BIP3891E: The Kafka input connector was unable to subscribe to topic 'cip-ebl-inout-ace-log' on Kafka server at address 'eventstreams-kafka-bootstrap-eventstreams.cip-deve-rhocp-91d398e86d3798137c73f524cf9482a6-i000.eu-de.containers.appdomain.cloud:443'. Explanation 'Timeout expired while fetching topic metadata'.
The Kafka input connector attempted to subscribe to the topic 'cip-ebl-inout-ace-log' but no response was received within the timeout period. Possible reasons for this are:
1) The Kafka server is not running at the server address.
2) The security credentials supplied are invalid.
The Kafka input connector will retry the operation.
If the problem persists, investigate and rectify the cause of the failure using the information in the message explanation and retry the operation. Further information on the cause of the failure may be available by enabling more detailed logging from the Kafka client by modifying the log4j properties file. : writeSystemLogError.
Please help me to resolve this error.
Aswini M