WAMC works really well. We only have a few physical Datapowers that I backup, and it only takes a few minutes to back them up, and download the file onto my server for save keeping. I think they should have kept it around.
Original Message:
Sent: Wed May 29, 2024 05:41 PM
From: Joseph Morgan
Subject: Secure Backup stopped working applying firmware IDG. on a 849652X
OMG.... waking up from this dream I just had about being transported back to a time when WAMC still existed, LOL.
Sir, you may be the only person still using WAMC! Wow! Good to know it still works.
Certainly, Dominic has you on the right track now. Good Luck!
Joseph Morgan
Original Message:
Sent: Wed May 29, 2024 01:35 PM
From: John Parker
Subject: Secure Backup stopped working applying firmware IDG. on a 849652X
Well, sort of. I use a very old system called WAMC (IBM Websphere Appliance Management Center), which works great for making secure backups. It's been off support for a few years, but still works fine, except this particular Datapower.
I also tried creating a secure backup through the webgui as well as from the console, and I get the same error in both of those places.
Tomorrow morning, I'm going to try reinstalling the latest firmware to see if that helps.
John Parker
Original Message:
Sent: Wed May 29, 2024 12:59 PM
From: Joseph Morgan
Subject: Secure Backup stopped working applying firmware IDG. on a 849652X
I can only assume since you have been doing it for 15+ years, you must be using a script of some kind (XMI/SOMA?) That is, I can from the System Control screen in DataPower.
What are you sending for the destination?
Is your cert up (dumb question possibly, but just covering bases)?
What other options? Raid included?
Joseph Morgan
Original Message:
Sent: Wed May 29, 2024 10:16 AM
From: John Parker
Subject: Secure Backup stopped working applying firmware IDG. on a 849652X
I've been taking a Secure Backup on my Datapowers for many years (15+). It still works fine on my older Datapowers, but my latest one, which is a 849652X, it stopped working after I upgraded to firmware IDG.
Has anyone experienced this, and what did you do to resolve?
John Parker