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Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

  • 1.  Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Mon April 24, 2023 04:09 AM

    Hi folks,
    we recently had some CSQX507E events (again) in our Queue Sharing Groups on z/OS.
    Our topology:
    - production LPAR's LPA1-LPA8
    - MQ level V9.2
    - two QSG's , name it QSG1 and QSG2 with both 8 members spread over the LPAR's
    - Sender/Receiver group channels QSG1.QSG2 and group xmit queues QSG2

    During a z/OS change the CSQX507E happened.
    Some of our batch schedules had problems with this situation since their messages got stuck in the xmit queues.
    Finally we had to manually resolve the situation .

    In this KC topic the BATCHHB (Batch Heartbeat Interval) is mentioned. 
    We consider the use of it but have no experience with this attribute,
    so which applicable value to use is unknown for us .

    Regards, Norbert

    Norbert Pfister
    system engineer

  • 2.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Tue April 25, 2023 10:30 AM
    Edited by Mayur RAJA Tue April 25, 2023 10:40 AM

    Hi Norbert, 

    Tony Sharkey (MQ Performance) and I have been looking at the MQ docs for BATCHHB and we must admit that the docs are not very clear on this. We will work with the MQ publications team to improve the words in due course. 

    As it happens, a customer had raised a case on BATCHHB. The case number is TS008114032. I do not know if you can access the case or not but, in the case, Mark Womack (MQ L2 Service Team) explains precisely how BATCHHB is used. I have cut and pasted the following three paragraphs from the case:

    "What is it that constitutes "communication from the receiving channel"?" this communication from the receiving side can be either (a) a batch confirmation flow which the receiving side will send to the sending side when it confirms receipt of the previous batch, or (b) a 'normal' heartbeat flow, to indicate to the sending side that it is still alive/available. If the amount of time that has passed since either (a) or (b) has occurred (from the sending side's perspective), is longer than the setting for BATCHHB, then this special batch heartbeat flow is sent. To be sure, after that special flow is sent, it is the HBINT timer that is used to await the next response, before the batch is then backed out.

    Regarding "But if the channel is busy and communicating with the receiver, then MQ won't send a BATCHHB flow?" your understanding is correct, since, if the other end is already determined to be active, then there is no need to send the special batch heartbeat flow and processing continues as usual.

    Regarding "Does the batch heartbeat interval (500 milliseconds for example) refer to the length of time MQ waits for a response from the receiver to a BATCHHB flow?" In the BATCHHB topic it mentions "The sending channel waits for a response from the receiving end of the channel for an interval, based on the number of seconds specified in the channel Heartbeat Interval (HBINT) attribute."

    The key thing to note here is that the value of BATCHHB is used to determine if it has elapsed (since (a) or (b) mentioned above) and if so, to then send a heartbeat flow to the receiver to determine if the receiver is still active or not. The HBINT value is actually used to wait for a response from the receiver channel to this heartbeat flow. If a response is not received, the current batch of messages (if there is an active and indoubt batch of messages) is backed out, the channel ends, and enters channel retry processing. The heartbeat flow is just a regular heartbeat flow and the BATCHHB essentially allows you to narrow the window for when a channel could go indoubt. 

    Please take a look at the case. If you cannot access it, let me know and I'll see if I can send you a copy.

    If it does not address your question, please do get back to us.

    Regards .. Mayur and Tony.

    Mayur RAJA

  • 3.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 08:26 AM

    Hi @Mayur RAJA ,

    unfortunately i cannot access TS008114032 . 

    We have the presumption that a batch job on z/OS with many messages was running(conencted to MQ61) exactly at the time of the shutdown of MQ12.
    As i understand your information then BATCHHB does not really help in such cases.

    Regards, Norbert

    Norbert Pfister
    system engineer

  • 4.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Thu April 27, 2023 04:49 AM
    Edited by Mayur RAJA Thu April 27, 2023 10:47 AM

    Hi Norbert,
    I checked with our MQ L3 team and unfortunately, due to GDPR rules, I am not permitted to forward cases. However, in my earlier append, I had covered the key points raised in the case. The other thing that the case does touch on is that BATCHHB was introduced to address issues with clustering (Morag mentions this in her update below). So, it will not help in your case. 

    One thing to note is that for planned outages, you could consider running a CSQUTIL job to terminate resources (listener, channels, channel initiator, queue manager) gracefully before taking down the LPAR for maintenance. However, this clearly would not help for unplanned outages. 

    If I understand correctly, you want the sender channel in QSG1 to rebind with another instance of the receiver channel in QSG2 when the LPAR that the receiver channel was originally running on is taken down. To achieve this, the receiver channel synchronisation state would need to be held on the shared syncq (SYSTEM.QSG.CHANNEL.SYNCQ). However, you mention tht you are using the private SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQs. As you took down LPA1 and receiving partner queue manager MQ12, the channel status held on the private syncq on queue manager MQ12 cannot be accessed. Hence, you end up with the indoubt channel situation.

    If your sender channel targets an INDISP(GROUP) listener port (as per Morag's update below), the receiver channel will be started as a shared channel and hence the channel synchronisation information will be held in the shared sync  queue.

    You have been focusing on the receiving end but I think you also need to consider whether your sender channel instances should be serving a shared transmission queue or not ? If your sender channel is running on MQ11 and the receiver on MQ12 and you take down LPA1, you want the sender channel to have access to the correct state to be able to bind with a receiver without running into channel sequence number or channel indoubt issues. Shared channels also benefit from peer level recovery in the event of a queue manager failure. 

    FYI, for shared queues, messages put to the CF are limited to 63K. Larger messages can be put to a shared queue but they end up on shared message datasets (SMDS). The capacity of the CF can also be increased with the use of storage class (also known as flash) memory. See:

    Regards .. Mayur

    Mayur RAJA

  • 5.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Fri April 28, 2023 09:17 AM

    Hi Mayur,

    i would have been surprised if you would have been allowed to share a foreign case, don't bother !
    Your excerpts for BATCHHB were clear enough for me.

    Thank you to enlighten me regarding shared transmission queues. The reasons to use them instead of private xmitqs are plausible.
    But switching from group definition to one common Shared queue will be a huge challenge in a production system.
    To delete the old xmitq QSG2 without "in use by applications" and messages is nearly impossible.
    We have to set them to "put inhibited" and pray to not disrupt the applications ...

    Thank you for all your suggestions !

    Norbert Pfister
    system engineer

  • 6.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Fri April 28, 2023 10:44 AM
    Edited by Mayur RAJA Mon May 01, 2023 09:18 AM

    Hi Norbert,
Your welcome and I now understand the challenge that you would be faced with.

    Put disabling either the remote, xmit or alias (if this points to the remote) queue will certainly stop applications from putting new messages to the xmitq. However, I would appreciate it if you could confirm if you are likely to do the following in your environment please ?

    By running the sending end of the channel as private and the receiving end as shared, I believe there is the potential to introduce channel sequence number errors. 

    Let's assume that:

    - Sender channel QSG1.QSG2 is started on MQ11 and bound to receiver channel QSG1.QSG2 on MQ12. As messages are transferred from MQ11 to MQ12, the sender stores its state on the private syncq defined on MQ11 while the receiver stores its state in the shared syncq which is accessible by all QSG2 queue managers.

    - You stop the sender channel (which results in the the receiver channel stopping too).

    - You take down LPA1.

    - You start the sender channel on MQ21 on LPA2 and this binds with the receiver channel on MQ22 on LPA2. As the sender channel is private, it will have no state on the private sync defined on MQ21. As the receiver is shared, it will read the shared state for the channel from the shared syncq in QSG2.

    - Apologies but the above paragraph is not actually true. I had forgotten that we can have multiple receiver channels from different partners and in this case, we would not read the shared state for the previous receiver channel instance but create a new shared state for the new receiver channel instance on MQ22. 

    - When you move messages, since the sender creates new state in the private sync and the receiver uses the shared state that is already in the shared syncq on QSG2, I believe this will result in a channel sequence number mismatch  and hence an error.

    - Apologies but as the shared state for the receiver channel on the shared syncq is based on the partner Queue Manager name, it will be different from the previous instance and so we will create a new status entry and we will NOT see any channel sequence number issues. 

    Of course, if your private sender channel always starts on MQ11, then it will only ever have a single channel state in the private sync on MQ11 hence this state should always be consistent with the shared state for the partner receiver channel in the shared syncq on QSG2.

    I'd like to apologise for misleading you and for any confusion that I may have caused. Also, I'd like to thank Morag for reminding me about multiple receiver channel instances and for correcting my understanding of it. I think I was being a bit too eager here :-).  I will be more careful before appending in future ! 

    Regards .. Mayur

    Mayur RAJA

  • 7.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 25, 2023 05:57 PM

    Hi Norbert,

    The CSQX507E message, an example shown in full below as a reminder to other readers, is indicating that when a channel tried to start it discovered that another batch of messages for a different channel from this same transmission queue was already in-doubt.

    +CSQX507E cpf CSQXRCTL Channel CSQ1.TO.CSQ2.T01 is in-doubt, connection CSQ2 (queue manager ????)
    +CSQX599E cpf CSQXRCTL Channel CSQ1.TO.CSQ2.T02 ended abnormally

    I would ask why you have more than one channel using the same transmission queue. This is an unusual situation to be in.

    You also ask about Batch Heartbeat Interval. This is a helpful additional flow added to the channel protocol where the sender channel will check that the partner is still there before marking the batch in-doubt and proceeding with the end of batch processing. This is helpful in situations where your have an unstable network. It is mainly helpful in clustering situations where, if the messages had not become part of an in-doubt batch, they would have been reassigned to another channel to send somewhere else. For non-cluster channels, the messages will be moved by the same channel once the network comes back so there is little benefit to be gained.

    For more reading on this, try page 17 of Keeping MQ Channels Up and Running

    I would investigate why you have two different channels using the same transmission queue. You mention that this is in a QSG. Are the transmission queues shared or private? Is the running disposition of the channels shared or private (i.e. is the SyncQ in use a shared or private queue).


    Morag Hughson
    MQ Technical Education Specialist
    MQGem Software Limited

  • 8.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 03:53 AM

    Hi Morag,

    Thank you, you raise some good points and questions. As Norbert indicated that he was using group channels, I assumed that shared xmitqs were in use but, as per your update, this needs to be clarified. 

    Regards .. Mayur 

    Mayur RAJA

  • 9.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 08:34 AM

    Is using xmitq group definitions instead of shared definition our architectural misconception ?
    If so we need a lot of CF space for them.
    Increasing queue depth in a xmitq can happen every now and then,
    and they share a lot of remote queues in our QSG's .

    Regards, Norbert

    Norbert Pfister
    system engineer

  • 10.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 08:08 AM

    Hi @Morag Hughson ,

    regarding the in-doubt situation:
    Different channels isn't the case here, there is only this one channel QSG1.QSG2 using xmitq QSG2 (prooved by MO71 :-) ).
    SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ is QSGDISP(QMGR), so also private.

    But i admit that we possibly have an architectural problem because we had this incident occasionally:
    When one of LPA1 to LPA8 was re-ipl'ed for maintenance we had some minutes until the receiving qmgr was available again.
    This happened at weekends and only for some minutes so in-doubt channels vanished afterwards (for sure, my colleague and me observed this once).
    But this time, last Friday, LPA1 was down for 22 hours.

    Some more infos about our configuration:
    QSG1 has members MQ11 to MQ81 over all 8 LPAR's.
    QSG2 has members MQ12 to MQ82 over all 8 LPAR's.
    Both channels and xmit queues are private (i suppressed superfluous attributes), here MQ61 for example:

           CHLTYPE(SDR)  +
           QSGDISP(GROUP)  +
           CONNAME('')  +
           XMITQ('QSG2')  +
           MAXMSGL(4194304)  +
           HBINT(300)  +
           KAINT(AUTO)  +
           DISCINT(6000)  +
           SEQWRAP(999999999)  +

           QSGDISP(GROUP)  +
           USAGE(XMITQ)  +
           INDXTYPE(NONE)  +
           STGCLASS('XMIT')  +
           MAXDEPTH(999999999)  +
           MAXMSGL(4194304)  +
           DEFPRTY(0)  +
           DEFPSIST(NO)  +
           DEFPRESP(SYNC)  +
           DEFREADA(NO)  +
           DEFBIND(OPEN)  +
           MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY)  +
           PUT(ENABLED)  +
           GET(ENABLED)  +
           NOHARDENBO  +
           BOTHRESH(0)  +
           NOSHARE  +
           DEFSOPT(EXCL)  +
           RETINTVL(999999999)  +
           PROPCTL(COMPAT)  +
           TRIGGER  +
           TRIGTYPE(FIRST)  +
           TRIGMPRI(0)  +
           TRIGDPTH(1)  +
           TRIGDATA('QSG1.QSG2')  +

    Shortly before z/OS maintenance LPA1 was shutdown with the receiving partner MQ12 for sender MQ61 at that time.
    Here is the joblog of MQ61CHIN:
    16:08:35.900    CSQX599E M61P CSQXRCTL Channel P08P.P01P ended abnormally
    16:08:35.900    CSQX206E M61P CSQXRCTL Error sending data,
    channel QSG1.QSG2
    connection qsg2 (
    (queue manager MQ12)
    TRPTYPE=TCP RC=0000008C  reason=76697242
    16:08:46.410    CSQX599E M61P CSQXRCTL Channel QSG1.QSG2 ended abnormally
    16:08:46.410    LPA6    M61PCHIN    CSQX507E    CSQX507E MQ61 CSQXRCTL Channel QSG1.QSG2 is in-doubt,
    connection MQ12
    (queue manager MQ22)
    16:09:47.310    CSQX599E MQ61 CSQXRCTL Channel QSG1.QSG2 ended abnormally
    16:09:47.310    LPA6    MQ61CHIN    CSQX507E    CSQX507E MQ61 CSQXRCTL Channel QSG1.QSG2 is in-doubt,
    connection MQ12
    (queue manager MQ72)
    16:10:48.210    LPA6    MQ61CHIN    CSQX507E    CSQX507E MQ61 CSQXRCTL Channel QSG1.QSG2 is in-doubt,
    connection MQ12
    (queue manager MQ82)
    16:10:48.220    CSQX599E MQ61 CSQXRCTL Channel QSG1.QSG2 ended abnormally
    16:11:49.190    CSQX599E MQ61 CSQXRCTL Channel QSG1.QSG2 ended abnormally
    16:11:49.190    LPA6    MQ61CHIN    CSQX507E    CSQX507E MQ61 CSQXRCTL Channel QSG1.QSG2 is in-doubt,
    connection MQ12
    (queue manager MQ42)
    16:12:52.200    CSQX599E MQ61 CSQXRCTL Channel QSG1.QSG2 ended abnormally
    16:12:52.200    LPA6    MQ61CHIN    CSQX507E    CSQX507E MQ61 CSQXRCTL Channel QSG1.QSG2 is in-doubt,
    connection MQ12
    (queue manager MQ72)

    I had a look into the messages of SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ . There are as many entries of QSG1.QSG2 as MQ61 has ever had connection to a member of QSG2.
    That is understandable as MQ61 has to save the channel status informations like MSGSEQNO etc. 
    MQ61 tries all other qsg members round-robin (as presumed) but always mentions the original qmgr MQ12 in CSQX206E .
    That is irritating me...

    Best regards, Norbert

    Norbert Pfister
    system engineer

  • 11.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 10:01 AM

    I agree that you likely have an architectural problem. You appear to be using an IP Address in your SDR channel CONNAME that is a DVIPA / Sysplex Distributor or some other type of address that represents all the members of QSG2 and thus each time the SDR reconnects it is routed to one of the members. However the targeted port number would appear to be the QSG2 INDISP(QMGR) port number rather than the INDISP(GROUP) port number as evident by the contents of your SYNCQ. The RCVR channel is providing its partner name as the QMgr name and not the QSG name.

    This means the SDR has an in doubt batch with a partner QMgr and if it ends indoubt, retries, and connects to a different member of QSG2 it cannot continue because it is indoubt with someone else. This is what your CSQX507E messages are all about.

    If you are going to use such an IP Address it must target an INDISP(GROUP) listener port.


    Morag Hughson
    MQ Technical Education Specialist
    MQGem Software Limited

  • 12.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Thu April 27, 2023 02:20 AM

    Damn, i think i got it now !
    All of our QSG's have definitions like START LISTENER TRPTYPE(TCP) PORT(1414) IPADDR(QSG2.Nuremberg.DE) INDISP(QMGR)

    There is this page Shared channels in the docs (very useful and clarifying !).

    And i found some notes in our team recordings(2012) regarding how to manage the listeners:
    Make listeners INDISP(QMGR) for client connections, INDISP(GROUP) is not useful for them !
    So we switched to this topology.

    Instead jut changing the INDISP we should have added a new listener for QSG inter-communication :
    and adjust all CONNAME attributes regarding QSG2.Nuremberg.DE for channels type SDR/SVR/CLUSSDR to the new established port.
    This is described in section "Configuring SVRCONN channels for a queue sharing group" of Shared channels:
    The optimal configuration for SVRCONN channels in a queue sharing group is to set up private listeners in each CHINIT which use a different port number from the point to point channels.

    Fortunately this looks like a smooth transition since those point to point channel connections between qmgrs are in our responsibility and don't bother clients.

    Thank you very much, @Morag Hughson , as always your tips and hints are very useful.
    Hopefully i did understand it :-)

    Regards, Norbert

    Norbert Pfister
    system engineer

  • 13.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu April 27, 2023 04:46 AM

    Hi Norbert,

    Yes, sounds like you have understood fully and your changes will make your channels run much more smoothly. I am glad you also found the appropriate sections in IBM Docs to explain it once you knew what you are looking for too.

    Sounds like the extra listener was the perfect solution for you, not too disruptive and yes, separating clients and QMgr-QMgr channels in a QSG environment is definitely a good thing to do.

    If you're not already full to the brim with information on this subject, this blog post might also be a good read:-

    SVRCONNs and INDISP(SHARED) listeners

    Glad I was able to help.


    Morag Hughson
    MQ Technical Education Specialist
    MQGem Software Limited

  • 14.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Fri January 19, 2024 04:50 AM

    At the moment we are "in full swing" to change all our topology.
    We have different tasks to do and try to roll them out from stage to stage:
    Lab -> Dev -> QA -> Preproduction -> Production

    • Established new listeners to isolate qmgr-to-qmgr (and qsg) from client connections
    • Therefore changed the port for sender/cluster channels 
    • created cf structures for the new xmit queues

    Now we wanted to create the new xmit queues, e.g.:
           QSGDISP(SHARED)  +
           DESCR(' ')  +
           CFSTRUCT('XMIT')  +
           CLUSTER(' ')  +
           CLUSNL(' ')  +
           CLWLRANK(0)  +
           CLWLPRTY(0)  +
           CLWLUSEQ(QMGR)  +
           USAGE(XMITQ)  +
           CLCHNAME(' ')  +
           STREAMQ(' ')  +
           STRMQOS(BESTEF)  +
           INDXTYPE(NONE)  +
           STGCLASS('XMIT')  +
           MAXDEPTH(999999999)  +
           MAXMSGL(4194304)  +
           DEFPRTY(0)  +
           DEFPSIST(NO)  +
           DEFPRESP(SYNC)  +
           DEFREADA(NO)  +
           DEFBIND(OPEN)  +
           MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY)  +
           PUT(ENABLED)  +
           GET(ENABLED)  +
           NOHARDENBO  +
           BOTHRESH(0)  +
           BOQNAME(' ')  +
           SHARE  +
           DEFSOPT(SHARED)  +
           RETINTVL(999999999)  +
           PROPCTL(COMPAT)  +
           CUSTOM(' ')  +
           TRIGGER  +
           PROCESS(' ')  +
           TRIGTYPE(FIRST)  +
           TRIGMPRI(0)  +
           TRIGDPTH(1)  +
           TRIGDATA('QSG1.QSG2')  +
           QDEPTHHI(80)  +
           QDEPTHLO(40)  +
           QDPMAXEV(ENABLED)  +
           QDPHIEV(DISABLED)  +
           QDPLOEV(DISABLED)  +
           QSVCINT(999999999)  +
           QSVCIEV(NONE)  +
           STATQ(QMGR)  +
           ACCTQ(QMGR)  +
           MONQ(QMGR)  +
    That brings us to the following considerations:

    • The attributes SHARE and DEFSOPT(SHARED) should be a logical conclusion since they are now shred between the members of the QSG (instead of NOSHARE and DEFSOPT(EXCLUSIVE) when a private xmit queue )
    • We normally have INDXTYPE(NONE) for xmit queues but my colleague stumbled over the following entry in Documentation Center
      Migrating non-shared queues to shared queues
      1. Messages on shared queues are subject to certain restrictions on the maximum message size, message persistence, and queue index type, so you might not be able to move some non-shared queues to a shared queue.
      2. You must use the correct index type for shared queues. If you migrate a transmission queue to be a shared queue, the index type must be MSGID.

    Does changing the INDXTYPE have any further consequences ?

    Best regards, 

    Norbert Pfister
    system engineer

  • 15.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Fri January 19, 2024 11:06 AM
    Edited by Mayur RAJA Tue January 23, 2024 04:13 AM

    Hi Norbert,
    As there are a lot of attributes to do with sharing, it is first worth considering the purpose of each attribute:

    1. SHARE or NOSHARE indicates whether a queue can be opened for input (MQGET) by multiple applications or not. SHARE means it can and NOSHARE means it cannot.

      Note: A queue can always be opened for output (MQPUT/MQPUT1) by multiple applications (assuming they are authorized to open the queue for output).

      In general, transmission queues are only accessed by one application (i.e. the Message Channel Agent (MCA)) at a time. This is true for MCAs for both PRIVATE and SHARED channels. So, it is best to define shared transmission queues with NOSHARE.

      Note: The SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE used by Intra Group Queuing (IGQ) is different. It is defined with SHARE because IGQ Agents that run on each Queue Sharing Group (QSG) Queue Manager need to open the queue for input (MQGET). But as you are not looking at IGQ you don't need to be concerned about this.

    2. The DEFSOPT attribute defines the default SHARE option. It can be set to SHARED or EXCL (exclusive). When an application opens a queue for input, it can specify one of the following open options: 

      a. MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF – indicates open the queue based on the value of DEFSOPT.
      b. MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE – indicates open the queue for exclusive use if it is not already open (for shared or exclusive use) by this or another application.
      c. MQOO_INPUT_SHARED – indicates open the queue for shared use if it is not already open for exclusive use, though it may already be open for shared use.

      But, it is important to note that SHARE and NOSHARE also have a bearing on this. That is, if a queue is defined with NOSHARE, an attempt to open the queue for shared use defaults to opening the queue for exclusive use (assuming it is not already open for exclusive use). Similarly, if a queue is defined with SHARE, an attempt to open the queue for exclusive use will work (and the queue will be opened for exclusive use) if the queue is not already open for shared or exclusive use by this or another application.

      A sender channel is shared (and not private) if it serves a shared transmission queue (i.e. a queue defined in a CFSTRUCTURE in the Coupling Facility (CF)).

      While a shared sender channel is running, it is managed by a single Channel Initiator in the QSG. That means there is only one instance of the shared sender channel running. Since the SHARED channel definition is defined as a GROUP object, it resides in Db2 so that all Queue Managers in the QSG can get to it. This means that the shared sender channel is eligible to run on any Queue Manager in the QSG. This is especially useful in the event of a failure of a QSG Queue Manager for ensuring high availability of the channel since another Queue Manager in the QSG can takeover running the channel.

      Given that there will only be one instance of a shared sender channel accessing the shared transmission queue at any point in time, it is still OK to set DEFSOPT(EXCL).

    3. The QSGDISP (e.g. SHARED or QMGR) attribute on the transmission queue defines whether the transmission queue is SHARED or PRIVATE. For a transmission queue defined with QSGDISP(SHARED), messages on the queue are stored in the Coupling Facility (CF) and hence are available to be retrieved by a shared sender channel that runs on any Queue Manager in the QSG.

    4. Regarding Note 1. that your colleague found, messages in a CF structure are limited to 64K but, as MQ reserves 1K of that for headers, etc., application message data is limited to 63K. However, this is clearly too small for a lot of application messages so, larger messages put to a CF Structure can be stored on Shared Message Data Sets (SMDS), which are essentially VSAM linear datasets (you do of course need to configure the SMDS environment), or in Db2 blobs. So, this limitation can be overcome. See 'Shared message dataset performance and capacity considerations' : 

      Note: Storing in Db2 could allow for much more data in total but storing in SMDS is more performant (about 10 times faster) than storing in Db2. So, we generally recommend that customers use SMDS.

      The CFLevel and OFFLOAD rules defined for a CFSTRUCTURE are also factors to consider, see: .

    5. Regarding Note 2. that your colleague found, I discussed this with one of my colleagues and the indexing is intrinsic to how messages are stored on shared queues. It is a requirement that you set INDXTYPE(MSGID) for shared transmission queues however, setting it does not use more storage or impact the performance of non-selective gets. The only implication is that you cannot perform a get by CORRELID without also matching the MSGID. But, for messages retrieved from transmission queues, this is not an issue.

    Mayur RAJA

  • 16.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Tue January 23, 2024 01:30 AM

    Hi Majur,

    thank you for these very detailed answers !

    That will lead us to xmitq definitions that are suitable for our new topology.

    Again, thank you so much !

    Norbert Pfister
    system engineer

  • 17.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Tue January 23, 2024 03:01 AM

    Hi Norbert,

    Your are welcome. Please let us know if we can be of further help. 

    Regards .. 

    Mayur RAJA

  • 18.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Mon March 18, 2024 03:07 AM
    Edited by Norbert Pfister Mon March 18, 2024 03:18 AM

    Hi @Morag Hughson and @Mayur RAJA ,
    last informations from us regarding this subject.

    Last weekend we had a full "ripple" IPL for the first time after implementing all suggestions by you both.
    This means datacenter 1 ipl's the odd machines LPA1/3/5/7 and afterwards datacenter 2 the even ones, LPA2/4/6/8 .
    All worked very well, only once a short INDOUBT happened for one sender channel until the first retry succeeded.

    So in total it was a full success !
    As a side effect we now use different ports for qmgr-to-qmgr connections (and our admin tools) and clients, really useful.

    Thanks again and best regards ! 

    Norbert Pfister
    system engineer

  • 19.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon March 18, 2024 04:11 AM

    I am so happy to hear it went well.

    Remember that INDOUBT is not a bad thing. It happens on EVERY SINGLE batch. Normally though it is a fleeting state because sender and receiver are connected and the flow to ask "are you well" and the response to say "yes all is good" happen in a very small timeframe. It is thus normally very hard to see INDOUBT state, but it is there at the end of every batch.

    If you happen to lose connectivity and are in RETRY in between those two flows, then you might see INDOUBT state, but again, this is normal and will be happily resolved by the channels once connectivity is restored.

    INDOUBT only becomes a problem when connectivity cannot be restored, say because your IP address is pointing to the wrong place, perhaps because your shared listeners and channel connames are not correctly configured.

    All the best,

    Morag Hughson
    MQ Technical Education Specialist
    MQGem Software Limited

  • 20.  RE: Possible use of BATCHHB for in-doubt channels

    Posted Wed March 20, 2024 05:13 AM

    Hi Norbert,

    I am delighted to hear of your success !

    If there is anything else that we can assist with, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

    Regards .. Mayur

    Mayur RAJA