you're logged in as the admin. The admin is only allowed to access certain information for security reasons. That doesn't include subs or credentials.
login as a consumer to check the apps and subs are there.
Though I expect they will be.
A reminder that 10.0.3 is a year old now and will run out of support later this month when 10.0.5 is released. You need to plan on an upgrade ASAP.
Chris Dudley
Original Message:
Sent: Tue May 31, 2022 10:56 AM
From: santhoshkumar surisetty
Subject: Not able to see subscriptions under Applications
we are able to see subscription under applications in APIConnect v10.0.0.3 after migration but could not find subscription in developer portal under application .
could you please help on it.
developer portal screen shot :

santhoshkumar surisetty