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intemittent Database Connection Timeout from message flow

  • 1.  intemittent Database Connection Timeout from message flow

    Posted 4 days ago

    Have an APP connect broker application which has within below high level details: 

    • Broker Node -> 1 Execution Group
    • DB connection is setup at Broker level via ODBC DSN setup
    • ~9 message flows
      • each of the message flow interacts with database - runs queries
      • 3 messages flows are continuously being triggered in 1 minute frequency , this could endup with other message flows also getting triggered 


    • intermittent DB connection issue timeout  is occurring with below error for 1 /2 message flows which doesn't run continuously but gets triggered when some conditions are met, error: 
      • [IBM][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]Network Operation Timed Out.

    Analysis done so far: 

    • no issue with the database connectivity - nothing actually gets logged in database when this issue occurred , its like the connection never reached database and timeout at app itself 
    • Since DB config is at Broker Node level, all message flows are connecting to same database and tables -, doesn't seem to be issue with the table or the data,etc
    • didn't find any config at Broker/Execution group level that limits number of connection 

    Could you please help what could be the possible cause for this. Anything I 've misssed to check so far. Any suggestions will be highly appriciated.

    bipin shakya