We are currently using IBM MQ client 7.5 on Windows Server 2019. There are several .Net applications that use this version.
We are planning to upgrade to MQ client 9 and for that we want to install it on same machine. Will MQ client 9 work on same machine without affecting existing .Net applications that use MQ client 7.5?
There are many .Net applications so we want to upgrade one by one to version 9 that is why we want to use both versions side by side unless all applications are upgraded. And then do the same on production.
Is it possible?
Code we are using to connect is given below. We use amqmdnet.dll in all .Net applications.
Hashtable queueProperties = new Hashtable();
MQQueueManager qMgr;
queueProperties[MQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY] = "";
queueProperties[MQC.PORT_PROPERTY] = 5645;
queueProperties[MQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY] = "FX01";
qMgr = new MQQueueManager("QManager", queueProperties);
Ok here is the situation.
- MQ client 7.5 is installed. Can I install MQ client 9 on same machine without affecting existing applications?
- MQ client 7.5 is installed. What if I don't want to install MQ client 9 but just use amqmdnetstd.dll in my .Net application to connect to SSL. I tried the following code but it is not working.
Hashtable queueProperties = new Hashtable();
MQQueueManager qMgr;
MQEnvironment.SSLCipherSpec = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256";
queueProperties[MQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY] = "";
queueProperties[MQC.PORT_PROPERTY] = 20000;
queueProperties[MQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY] = "SSL.MQ";
queueProperties[MQC.USER_ID_PROPERTY] = "user";
queueProperties[MQC.PASSWORD_PROPERTY] = "pass";
queueProperties.Add(MQC.SSL_CERT_STORE_PROPERTY, @"C:\Repository\Key");
qMgr = new MQQueueManager("mqmanager", queueProperties);
I am getting error
If I change transport to following:
Then I get error
This folder contain Key.kdb, Key.rdb and Key.sth files. They were generated on system where MQ 9.2.4 is running and I am also using amqmdnetstd.dll version 9.2.4 in my .Net application on this machine.