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IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

  • 1.  IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Fri April 05, 2024 01:13 AM

    Hi All,

    We have reserved IBM App Connect SaaS trial version on AWS and trying to do basic connectivity tests to our MQ( on IBM Cloud VM and AWS VM) and also with AWS S3. Filled all mandatory fields in respective connectors and clicked on connect but immediately getting error message as "Something went wrong, Please refresh the page or contact ibm support".

    Please confirm whether trial version supports this basic connectivity testing or anything else we have to do to establish a successful connection

    Bhanu Prakash Desakuru

  • 2.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Mon April 08, 2024 04:45 AM


    The trial version does support this. There is a known issue the team are working on currently that is resulting in the generic error being presented to the user rather than the specifics of the connection error to allow you to resolve. If you could share the URL for your trial instance I can take a look to see why the connections were failing.

    Martin Ross

  • 3.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Mon April 08, 2024 06:21 AM

    Hello Martin,

    Thank you. Below are the URLs of our trial instances.

    Thank you

    Bhanu Prakash Desakuru

  • 4.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Tue April 09, 2024 01:57 PM

    Hello Bhanu,

    Looking at the trial instances over the past 7 days I can see the following:

    MQ Connector

    • On both instances the connection is failing due to timing out receiving MQRC 2009. It appears to be trying to access a 10. address for the queue manager on the wboicna5qo instance, and a 159. address on the eec70yikwd instance. These types of error are typically caused by firewalls or network access controls preventing the connection from being established - could you confirm on the scenario here and whether App Connect would have access to that network endpoint to connect?

    S3 Connector

    • I only see activity on the wboicna5qo trial instance and I can see connection failing with the error being reported that "The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records." Could you confirm on the access key id being used for the connection?

    Martin Ross

  • 5.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 04:40 AM

    Hi Martin,
    Thanks for highlighting on the firewalls and network access control. Could you please share any documentation for the same.
    Also, we are trying to install the secure agent in AIX (v5.2, v7) and in windows 32-bit OS, but couldn't find any in the ACE SaaS designer portal. Could you please confirm if they are supported in these operating systems and could see only for Windows, Linux and Mac.

    Bhanu Prakash Desakuru

  • 6.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 07:42 AM

    The Secure Agent currently supports install on Windows and Linux (and MacOS for development purposes). If you require support on any other platforms could you please open an RFE here:

    Martin Ross

  • 7.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 08:13 AM
    Edited by Piper Wilson Fri April 12, 2024 09:50 AM

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for highlighting on the firewalls and network access control. Could you please share any documentation for the same.

    Also, we are trying to install the secure agent in AIX(5.2, 7) and in windows 32-bit OS , but couldn't find any in the ACE SaaS designer portal. Could you please confirm if they are supported in these operating systems and could see only for Windows, Linux and Mac.


    Kiran Kumar

    Kiran Kumar M

  • 8.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Fri April 12, 2024 09:49 AM

    Hi Martin,

    For the S3 connector, we've used the Access Key ID and Secret Key of the client's AWS environment with the region and bucket name as well . However, we are still seeing the same error.

    Could you please suggest if there is any other configuration that needs to be done in the Client's AWS account.

    Could you please suggest.

    Kiran Kumar

    Kiran Kumar M

  • 9.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 08:03 AM


    Looking at your more recent activity on the wboicna5qo instance I can see that on 12th April at 0720 UTC you are getting a 403 error response on the connection attempt to S3. I no longer see the 401 error, so looks like you are providing a correct access key now but it is not authorised to perform the operations. On the initial connect if a bucket is provided on the account then we will use the credentials to perform a "headBucket" command, otherwise we will attempt a "listBuckets" command to test connectivity. You need to ensure that the access key is associated to an IAM user with appropriate access to perform these operations.

    Could you please check and confirm on the access for the associated IAM user?

    Martin Ross

  • 10.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Fri April 19, 2024 06:40 AM

    Thanks Martin, for your response. We were able to connect to the S3 bucket from the ACE SaaS instance after adding a bucket policy to it.

    Regarding the secure agent we understand that it is required for connecting to a private network, could you also please confirm if this agent is required for connecting to a queue manager which is hosted on AWS.

    Also, the below ibm documentation link says to whitelist the outbound IPs for ACE SaaS instance connecting to applications that are behind a firewall. Please confirm if this is required.

    Kiran Kumar M

  • 11.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Sun April 21, 2024 11:11 AM

    Hello Kiran

    This relies completely on the target system that you are connecting to... If the queue manager you are connecting to has a publicly addressable endpoint then you would not need to use the secure agent to connect to it, but if it is not exposed to the public internet then you would need to use a technology like the secure agent to be able to connect to access the private network. The secure agent provides a mechanism to reach endpoints on a private network without having to open an inbound port on your firewall, some users prefer to open a port in their firewall in which case the source IP addresses for the ACE aaS runtimes allow them to only allow connectivity to that restricted set of IP addresses. Additionally, many publicly accessible applications allows users to configure allow lists on their endpoints where the ACE SaaS IP addresses again would be required.

    Martin Ross

  • 12.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Wed May 08, 2024 06:42 AM
    Edited by Piper Wilson Mon May 13, 2024 08:48 AM
      |   view attached

    Hi Martin,

    The customer is not willing to open any inbound IP's as they do not want the MQ server to be publicly exposed to the internet.
    Attached is the json file that we have used to configure the secure agent in the server (hostname and port number are of the MQ server's)
    Also, would like to know where do we need to check the logs? is it in the MQ error logs/secure agent logs/OS logs?

    Kiran Kumar M


    switchclient.json   5 KB 1 version

  • 13.  RE: IBM ACE SaaS trial version connectivity with IBM MQ and S3

    Posted Sun May 12, 2024 10:46 AM

    Hello Kiran

    The file that you attached will contain sensitive information that allows connectivity to your service instance. I would strongly recommend that you delete this uploaded file. It is unclear why this has been attached...

    With regards to not wanting to open any inbound ports in the firewall, the secure agent gets installed into the private network and creates an outbound connection to ACEaaS using the information in the switchclient.json file. So, using the secure agent does not require any inbound ports to be opened in the firewall.

    For logs, there are logs available on ACEaaS in the built-in log viewer and there are logs and debug available on the secure agent. Any applications / systems you are connecting to (such as MQ) will also have logs to allow you to troubleshoot any issues you are having. It depends what you are investigating as to where the information will be. Is there a particular problem that you are trying to investigate?

    Martin Ross