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  • 1.  How to set up event monitoring in CP4I

    Posted Tue May 21, 2024 09:18 AM


    I'm trying to set up event monitoring in a CP4I environment.

    I'm not sure how to code the parameters for the mqsichangeflowmonitoring, because I'm using a standalone Integration Server.

    I've tried:

    mqsichangeflowmonitoring -i <address of CP4I node> -c active -m {MonitoringPolicyProject}:xxxx -k xxx -f xxxx

    I get this respnse:

    BIP1921S: The integration node or integration server cannot be reached. Check that the integration node or integration server is running. Check that the TCP/IP address '<address of CP4I node>' matches the address of the machine where the integration node or integration server is running, and that port '443' matches the Administration REST API port that is configured for the integration node or integration server. See the following messages for details of the error. 
    The utility encountered a problem while attempting to connect to the integration node or integration server.


    Peter Von Hirschfeld

  • 2.  RE: How to set up event monitoring in CP4I

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Tue May 21, 2024 09:30 AM

    Hi Peter. 

    First of all it looks like you're missing the administration port number (the "p" parameter provides this for an independent integration server) ...

    mqsichangeflowmonitoring -i localhost -p 7601 -c active -m {YourPolicyProject}:Yourprofile -k YourApplicationName -f YourFlowName

    A wider answer to your question beyond faulty syntax would be whether a command is the appropriate way for you to be making changes to a running container in an OpenShift / K8S environment. Typically you might be better off turning on monitoring and applying profiles etc. in a more declarative way up front using server.conf.yaml and deployed policy projects in a BAR etc. rather than attempting to connect to a running server. Note that you can also use the REST Administrative API directly instead of the command if more convenient.

    Full help for the command options as follows ...

     mqsichangeflowmonitoring (connectionSpec) [--non-persist] --control control [--integration-server server | --all-integration-servers] [(--application application | --all-applications) [--library library | --all-libraries] [--flow messageFlow | --all-flows]] [--monitoring-profile [{policyProject}:]profileName] [--trace <traceFileName>]

     Command Options:
     'connectionSpec' is one of:
     (a) '<integrationNodeName>' : Name of a local integration node
     (b) '--admin-host (-i) hostname --admin-port (-p) port' : hostname and port of an integration node or standalone server.
     (c) '--integration-node-file (-n) fileName' : File containing integration node connection parameters (*.broker)
     '--non-persist' indicates that changes will not be preserved after a server restart
     '--control (-c) control' starts or stops monitoring: values allowed are 'active' or 'inactive'
     '--integration-server (-e) integrationServerName' integration server name
     '--all-integration-servers' indicates all integration servers
     '--application (-k) application' application name
     '--all-applications' indicates all applications
     '--library (-y) library' static library name
     '--all-libraries' indicates all static libraries
     '--flow (-f) messageFlow' message flow name
     '--all-flows' indicates all message flows
     '--monitoring-profile (-m) profile' indicates the monitoring profile to be attached.
                                         'profile' can be either '{policyProject}:profileName' or 'profileName'
     '--trace (-v) <traceFileName>' : send verbose internal trace to the specified file.

    Ben Thompson
    IBM UK

  • 3.  RE: How to set up event monitoring in CP4I

    Posted Thu May 23, 2024 07:10 AM

    Hi Ben

    Thanks for your reply.

    Can you please point me to a step-by-step guide on how to a set up monitoring and applying profiles etc. in a more declarative way.



    Peter Von Hirschfeld

  • 4.  RE: How to set up event monitoring in CP4I

    Posted Thu May 23, 2024 07:34 AM

    Sorry, suould have added this to my first reply.

    I can't find documentation on how to code the Topic string for the Event Monitoriong setup.

    I tried:

    $SYS/integration_server/Monitoring/<IS name>/#

    Can you point me to the doc, please?

    Peter Von Hirschfeld