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High availability based VMware Vsphere replicated

  • 1.  High availability based VMware Vsphere replicated

    Posted Fri May 17, 2024 09:30 AM


    High availability of our queue managers across our three data centers is currently achieved using Red Hat linux HA cluster capability (pacemaker). Our linux team is currently moving away from linux 3-nodes clusters and is promoting vsphere replication instead. 
    My understanding is that the replication is purely managed at VMware hypervisor (ESX) level. In case of problem with the server, VM image is moved to any available DC.

    I.M.O. the main differences (MQ impacts) compared to Red Hat HA clusters are :
    - MQ service (queue manager) would be managed by systemd (including dependencies with other resources) instead of pacemaker
    - Storage for both MQ binaries AND queue manager data/logs will be on Star SAN. Previously, binaries were on local storage and therefore MQ was installed on all 3 nodes of the cluster. Only the qm data/logs were on Star SAN.

    I tried to open a PMR but the IBM support person only gives vague answers related to the fact they do not test all possible virtualization options, etc. Also pointing me at the MQ documentation HA chapter that obviously does not show the above as an alternative to HA clusters, MQ clusters, Multi instance QM or RDQM... My understanding is that they (IBM) support MQ in virtualized environment (unless the problem is related to the virtualization solution itself) but the question is more : do they recognize this as a valid (and supported) HA solution.

    We are busy testing it and I have no doubt that it will be transparent for MQ... I just don't want to be in the situation where I won't be able to get support from IBM when I need it.

    So I'm calling to you my fellow MQ peers, what do you think? Do you have some experience with Vsphere replicated VM's that you can share with the community?

    Thanks & Regards,



    Laurent Gabriel