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  • 1.  Forwarding workflow using hotfolders

    Posted Wed April 05, 2023 03:00 PM
    Edited by Stephanie Wilkerson Wed April 05, 2023 09:03 PM


    Working on implementing a forwarding workflow using hotfolders between two Aspera servers with Desktop Client sitting in the middle.

    We receive content from content providers and deliver to platforms. Has anyone implemented a workflow to forward incoming content to a given endpoint?

    We currently have a hotfolder configured to retrieve content from the source server, but we can't delete the source content off the source server after it transfers. This works well. 

    Once we transfer to the endpoint, the endpoint will ingest the content and either immediately empty or eliminate the folder (or content in case of upload to root and not subfolders), or it purges on a weekly/monthly interval.

    Can we configure another outbound hotfolder sync with the endpoint using the same inbound folder to forward content to the endpoint? My concern is that once the endpoint ingests or eliminates the folder, the outbound hotfolder will pick it up and try to retransfer again causing ingest or update issues downstream.

    Any insight to this type of workflow would be appreciated.


    Jorge F.

  • 2.  RE: Forwarding workflow using hotfolders

    Posted Thu April 06, 2023 07:12 PM

    The Hot Folder allows you to use the same source folder in multiple Hot Folder jobs.

    Each PUSH Hot Folder keeps a record of the files in the folder being watched. When a file is added or modified, the process compares the file on disk to the reference it has of the files last known state and will transfer the file if it has changed.

    The Hot Folder will not replicate files that have been deleted.

    A PULL Hot Folder will initiate an ascp transfer in direction recv and does not maintain a state of the the local files. If the source directory contains, files and the destination directory, does not, then each run of the Hot Folder will pull down the missing files.

    Hope that clarifies the process for you.


