API Connect

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  • 1.  Flipping "allow chunked uploads" flag in Data Power flips back after publish

    Posted Fri May 03, 2024 09:44 AM

    Version used:  API Connect

    Problem: Flipping "allow chunked uploads" flag in Data Power keeps getting flipped back to 'on' after publishing

    Details to reproduce:

    • From Data Power, go to 'API Collection', choose the right catalog, choose right product, choose API definition from product pop up.
    • From pop up, flip  "allow chunked uploads" to 'off' from 'Compatibility' tab
    • Apply and Save
    • Then publish another API definition to the same catalog (yes, another API, not the same!!). Of course publishing the same API will also cause flag to flip back to 'On'
    •  "allow chunked uploads" will flip back to 'On' !!

    Samir Almousawi

  • 2.  RE: Flipping "allow chunked uploads" flag in Data Power flips back after publish

    Posted Mon May 06, 2024 01:18 AM


    APIC owns the domain, any changes you make directly in datapower will be overwritten.

    If you want to customise DP settings then do so through a gateway extension uploaded to APIC, it will then be pushed out to the gateway for you.

    Chris Dudley

  • 3.  RE: Flipping "allow chunked uploads" flag in Data Power flips back after publish

    Posted Tue May 07, 2024 11:26 AM

    Hi Chris, thank you for the reply. Let me try to clarify.

    We have an API swagger in APIC. The "Invoke" policy at the end is set to "Allow chunked Upload" to "off" (unchecked)

    When we publish the swagger we observe problems in our backend API. Closer analysis in Datapower shows the API Definition has "Allowed chunked uploads" "On" (checked).

    Somehow the APIc configuration is not respected at publishing.  Most of the time is not a problem but we found some backend frameworks that will throw an error as they are not set for chunked uploads.

    Ray Garcia

  • 4.  RE: Flipping "allow chunked uploads" flag in Data Power flips back after publish

    Posted Thu May 16, 2024 01:45 PM

    Hi Ray,
    I seem to recall there was an issue at one point where a check box property such as chunked uploads which has a default of true at the gateway was showing unchecked with the GUI, but a closer inspection of the source showed that the chunked-upload property wasn't present at all.  The UI wouldn't see a "true" so it would show the property unchecked, but when published, not present would be defaulted to enabled at the gateway.  I thought that had been addressed but I can't remember the specific versions.  For now, if you don't have
    chunked-uploads: false
    explicitly in your source of your API invoke policy, either add it manually or you could simply check and uncheck the checkbox in the UI which should update the source.
    Best Regards,
    Steve Linn

    Steve Linn
    Senior Consulting I/T Specialist

  • 5.  RE: Flipping "allow chunked uploads" flag in Data Power flips back after publish

    Posted Fri May 17, 2024 07:13 AM

    Thank you for your response Steve,

    We are doing some testing over the next day or two and I'll reply back with the results to conclude the thread.

    Ray Garcia

  • 6.  RE: Flipping "allow chunked uploads" flag in Data Power flips back after publish

    Posted 22 days ago

    This was right! The API manager source will not have a line for "chunked uploads" but datacenter will flip it "True" by default. Just adding "chunked uploads: false" as suggested did the trick. 

    Thank you Steve.

    Ray Garcia