I'm using Aspera Desktop Client 4.4.0 on Mac (OS Catalina 10.15.7) and I've been using the app to transfer several files (
four 24GB files, and a handful of significantly smaller (less than 1MB) files) to an overseas client, and for whatever reason, after those four 24GB files have completely finished uploading, they appear to completely vanish from our client's remote folder.
I should note that the aforementioned smaller files appear to upload with zero issues. I haven't had any issue with those files disappearing or deleting themselves. After being fully transferred, they remained in the remote folder. This "self-deleting" problem only occurs with the four 24GB files.
While uploading, I can clearly see the temp files where they should be, accurately updating their file size in more-or-less real-time, and the transfer details do not appear to (clearly) indicate any issues either during the transfer or after completion. Each file lists their status as "Completed" after finishing, yet I cannot find any trace of the 24GB files. Refreshing the folder does not appear to have any effect, nor did restarting the program and reconnecting to the remote folder.
I have tried re-uploading these files, once in the client side remote folder root, and the other attempt into individual folders (the smaller files I uploaded were transferred directly into its their own folders and faced no issues), and both attempts resulting in the files disappearing. I'm currently doing a third attempt, again into folders, but are there any measures I can take to prevent or troubleshoot this issue? I can't figure out what the problem is, and haven't found anything on the internet that could help.
Reeve Isaacs