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  • 1.  Copy data from remote Aspera server to AWS S3 bucket

    Posted Fri June 07, 2024 06:59 AM

    Dear Aspera community,

    I was given access to an Aspera server from where I need to download 63 TB of data. However, I would like to copy them directly to an AWS S3 bucket. I tried using the command "ascp" from Aspera Connect according to the documentation, but I'm getting an error. Below are the commands I tried and errors I've got:

    # From an EC2 instance without specifying credentials
    ascp -P 33001 -p -k1 -l400m --mode send \
        --user USERNAME \
        ASPERA_HOSTNAME:/path/to/folder \

    # error message
    Session Stop  (Error: Session initiation failed, fail to set pvcl)

    # From an EC2 instance providing credentials
    ascp -P 33001 -p -k1 -l400m --mode send \
        --user USERNAME \
        ASPERA_HOSTNAME:/path/to/folder \

    # error message
    ascp: cannot copy from one remote host to another
    Startup failed, exit

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.


  • 2.  RE: Copy data from remote Aspera server to AWS S3 bucket

    Posted Fri June 07, 2024 11:26 AM

    Hi Santiago,

    For ascp to be able to use S3 natively in the way you describe you would need a full High Speed Transfer Server. This would be deployed in a EC2 instance in the same region as your destination bucket for optimal performance. The HSTS install will need to be configured for cloud transfers:

    Then you could do a download to your EC2 machine where the destination is your bucket. If you define a trust relationship between your EC2 system and the destination S3 bucket then you wouldn't need explicit credentials in the s3 URL:

    ascp -P 33001 -p -k1 -l400m --mode recv --user USERNAME --host ASPERA_HOSTNAME /path/to/folder s3://



    Jose Gomez

  • 3.  RE: Copy data from remote Aspera server to AWS S3 bucket

    Posted Fri June 07, 2024 12:01 PM

    Hi Jose,

    Is HSTS freely available or do I have to get a license to install/use it?

    The EC2 I'm working from has a trusted relationship with the destination bucket but none of the commands I tried are working, whether I use "mode recv" or "mode send" (which by the way, what's the difference?) nor providing or not the AWS credentials.

    Additionally, if I use the "--host MY_ASPERA_HOSTNAME /path/to/folder", I get a "Session Stop  (Error: No such file or directory)" error, while if I omit the "--host" flag and I join the two with a ":", it works (when copying it locally).

    Santiago Revale

  • 4.  RE: Copy data from remote Aspera server to AWS S3 bucket

    Posted Fri June 07, 2024 01:52 PM

    HSTS is a licensed product, yes. It has additional components that are installed along with ascp (either asperatrapd or libpvcl_cloud) that allow ascp to interface directly with S3. 

    Mode recv means ascp will do a download, so your source is the path in the server and your destination the path (or in your case the s3 bucket)

    ascp --mode recv --user xfer --host hostname /remote/source/path /local/dest/path

    Mode send means ascp is doing an upload to the remote server, so your source would be a local path and your destination a path in the destination server:

    ascp --mode send --user xfer --host hostname /local/source/path /remote/dest/path

    Jose Gomez