From what you have written, it looks like a configuration in SSHD might be part of the issue.
Can you let us know what OS you are using for the Aspera Transfer Server as well as the version of your Transfer Server? And also the same from the Aspera Connect Client?
The host keys that are supported by Aspera based transfers are the following
HOSTKEY: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521,ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
Based on the logging that you submitted, please check that your sshd_config is allowing one of the host keys specified.
Also please let us know if you have configured the SSH Fingerprint in your Transfer Server.
Ben Forsyth
Original Message:
Sent: Thu October 06, 2022 10:44 PM
From: Benny Huang
Subject: Aspera Faspex Authentication Failed
Hi All,
I have installed Aspera Faspex 4.4 and Aspera Enterprise Server. Enterprise Server works fine. But Faspex server show an error (authentication failed) when I submitted the package to send. Anyone knows why? SSHD debug logs:
debug1: kex: host key algorithm: (no match) [preauth]
Unable to negotiate with xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 13493: no matching host key type found
Benny Huang