It's probably best to open a support case to troubleshoot: https://www.ibm.com/mysupport/s/topic/0TO500000001irQGAQ/open-case?language=en_US
It seems from the stack trace that this is an internal issue between the Java Runtime Environment and Windows. Maybe something changed in the system configuration or in a Windows update?
What is the version of the Windows OS and the version of Desktop Client installed?
Jose Gomez
Original Message:
Sent: Thu October 12, 2023 04:43 AM
From: 성민 경
Subject: aspera desktop client can not run : scpmgr.Main can't run
it was work well before.
but somedays ago.. it can not run...
i remove and re install several time . but it can't.
i off the windows deffender and Run administrator mode but it can't work.
please... help...
성민 경