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  • 1.  Urban Code documentation - where did it go?

    Posted Mon July 11, 2022 02:10 PM


    I am trying to do some research on Urban Code Deploy. All of my Internet search results keep landing on this page: . After a fair amount of work, I still cannot determine to where the documentation contents has gone.

    Kevin Buchs

  • 2.  RE: Urban Code documentation - where did it go?

    Posted Tue July 12, 2022 12:55 AM
    Hello Kevin,
    The UCD documentation can be found here: IBM UrbanCode Deploy documentation
    In fact, it is the place where all documentation for software can be found. 
    I hope this help.

    Henk van der Wijk
    IT Specialist

  • 3.  RE: Urban Code documentation - where did it go?

    Posted Tue July 12, 2022 12:49 PM
    Edited by System Test Thu June 01, 2023 09:56 AM
    Thanks, Henk! I will be digging in. I might suggest putting your link into the Community page that I referenced. Internet searches are landing on that page and I bet all like me are having the same question I had.

  • 4.  RE: Urban Code documentation - where did it go?

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Fri July 15, 2022 12:19 PM
    Hi Kevin, The blog  is updated with the IBM Documentation link as well so they're all in one place. Let us know if you have additional questions. Thanks for reaching out in the community and hope we've helped you find what you were looking for :)

    Divya Koppolu

  • 5.  RE: Urban Code documentation - where did it go?

    Rational Test- Active Member
    Posted Tue July 12, 2022 03:45 AM
    Hello Kevin,

    Adding to Henk's answer: The product documentation is still located in the IBM Documentation center as Henk provided you with the link.
    If you are looking for the Plug-In documentation please have a look HERE.
    The Release Notes for older versions will be available soon, for now you can have a look for the most recent ones for UrbanCode Deploy: What's New, Fixlist, and Upgrade notes and for UrbanCode Velocity : What's New, Fixlist, and Upgrade notes

    Osman Burucu
    Product Manager UrbanCode Family