Welcome to the IBM Application Runtimes community!
I’m Divya Koppolu, your community manager. I am so excited to work with you to build this community. We want this to become the definitive environment for you to connect with other IBM Application Runtimes users, share best practices, access information and webinars, and ask for advice. First, let me share our IBM TechXchange Community manifesto:
“We are not here to talk at you, our customers. We are here to help you talk to each other, and to us.”
I share this because I want you to know we are serious about fostering authentic community. It is a community for community.
You have our commitment this is a safe space to connect with other users, share your knowledge and ideas,
What will you find in this Application Runtimes community?
We are launching our discussion under two main areas with lots of topic groups:
Events - Connect with other customers and experts, including webinars and industry conferences.
Blogs – We want our members to blog. We want to give you the opportunity to share your expertise and thought leadership. Learn more about becoming an IBM TechXchange Community blogger here.
This community is meant for you, our valued customer. Please join in, share your expertise, learn from others and strengthen your brand. If there is a topic you want more on, start a thread and tag me. Thanks again for being here, and welcome to the IBM Application Runtimes community!
Divya Koppolu
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